Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Drug Use And Abuse With Teen - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2473 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/03/22 Category Health Essay Level High school Tags: Drug Abuse Essay Did you like this example? Abstract In the United States, there has been a dramatic change in the transition to adulthood as people are extending education into their twenties. This is the period of the highest prevalence for the use and abuse of most types of drugs. The use of drugs and substances during early adolescence increases the risk of substance use disorder. Adolescents and emerging adults today are highly vulnerable to drug and substance abuse. The use of drugs and substances when young interferes with a persons neurodevelopment. Drugs include such things as marijuana, cocaine and heroin while substances include alcohol and prescription drugs if deliberately misused. There are many factors that cause teens and emerging adults to use drugs and substances. Among these are social pressures from the family and peers, and use drugs by role models in the society. These are the main reasons adolescents engage in drug abuse. Another factor that prominently figures in causing adolescents is predisposition towards nonconformity, rebelliousness and independence. There is also a high correlation between the use of drugs among parents and the use of drugs among the children of those parents. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Drug Use And Abuse With Teen" essay for you Create order Adolescents and emerging adults who are at a higher risk of developing serious drug and substance problems are those with depression, feel like they do not fit in, and those with low self-esteem. These factors predispose the teens to abuse a variety of drugs and substances. The availability of drugs and substances at home when one is an adolescent influences their use of the same in emerging adulthood. This availability also is associated with adolescents using substances for their first time at an early age. This is because drugs are readily available in the home and the youngsters do not have to struggle to get them. In the United States, there has been a dramatic change in the transition to adulthood as people are extending education into their twenties. It has been argued that this transition has become so long that it can be termed as a separate period in the course of life called the emerging adulthood, which lasts from the age of 18 to the age of 15 (Jeffrey, 2004). This is the period of the highest prevalence for the use and abuse of most types of drugs. Emerging adulthood is characterized by identity and explorations, instability and a feeling of being in-between, neither an adolescent nor an adult. The use and abuse of drugs and substances in this stage of life is part of identity explorations. The emerging adults want to have many experiences before settling down as adults and this, for a large number of people, involves experimenting with drugs. These people want to see how it feels to experience the consciousness state that is induced by various types of drugs. In addition, it can be confusing for the emerging adults to construct their identities. Therefore, some of them resort to drug and substance use to relieve their identity confusion. The desire to know what it feels like to be under the influence of a drug is also what causes many adolescents to try different drugs and become addicted in the process. There has been a rise in the incidences of drug and substance abuse in the United States. The use of drugs and substances during early adolescence increases the risk of substance use disorder. Adolescents and emerging adults today are highly vulnerable to drug and substance abuse. The use of drugs and substances when young interferes with a persons neurodevelopment through the induction of neurobiological changes which increase the risk of substance use disorder (Weiland et al., 2015). This is because teenage is the most important period in the development of the brain and anything that tampers with the brain can impair this development. Thus, the substances that teens use in early adolescence can have a lot of negative effects in the long term. People who start using drugs before the age of 15 are more likely to become depended on those drugs that the people who start using drugs when they are 17 years (McArdle, 2008). In addition, research shows that people who use marijuana before the age of 15 have a very high risk of developing psychosis. The use of alcohol at an early age results in alcohol neurotoxicity which causes the person to have smaller hippocampi and prefrontal cortices. Drug and substance abuse includes things such as interknitted use for recreation or experimentation. Drugs include such things as marijuana, cocaine and heroin while substances include alcohol and prescription drugs if deliberately misused (McArdle, 2008). In 2005, 8.5% of the deaths of males and between the ages were a result of drug and substance use. Drug abuse caused 8.2% of the deaths of females aged between 15 and 19. These percentages are almost similar to that of deaths that are caused by cancer and is ahead of the amount of deaths that are caused by infections. This excludes the deaths resulting from self-harm which is in most cases caused by substance abuse. When the deaths due to self-harm are added, the proportions become 21% and 16.8% of the total number of deaths that occur at this age (McArdle, 2008). Teens who are addicted to opium have a death rate that is 12 times higher than that of the teens who are not opium addicts. The highest proportion of problems associated with drug and substance abuse is found among people aged between 21 and 24 years. In the United States, problems associated with alcohol consumption begin early and increase continuously with every school year. There are two important factors to consider when looking at the use of drugs among adolescents and emerging adults, the prevalence and intensity of the use of drugs. At some instances, the prevalence of drug use may go down but not so the intensity of use (Lisha et al., 2015). The intensity refers to the frequency with which the users of drugs use them. The potency of drugs is increasing. For instance, marijuana has become stronger that it used to be sometimes ago. This means that there is a higher chance of those who use marijuana today to become addicted to it that it was for those who used it before. There is also crack, a cocaine form which is highly addictive and which is smoked and analogs of some illegal drugs called designer drugs have the capability of causing a permanent damage to the brain (Hammond, Mayes Potenza, 2014). There are many factors that cause teens and emerging adults to use drugs and substances. Among these are social pressures from the family and peers, and use drugs by role models in the society. These are the main reasons adolescents engage in drug abuse. Another factor that prominently figures in causing adolescents is predisposition towards nonconformity, rebelliousness and independence. There is also a high correlation between the use of drugs among parents and the use of drugs among the children of those parents. The problem with drug and substance abuse among adolescents is that most of them do not consider the effects that it could affect their lives later. Drugs also cause them to feel untouchable and immune to their problems. Although there are teens who use the drugs and later stop or even use them occasionally without problems, others develop addiction which makes it impossible for them to live without the drug (Hammond, Mayes Potenza, 2014). Adolescents and emerging adults who are at a higher risk of developing serious drug and substance problems are those with depression, feel like they do not fit in, and those with low self-esteem. These factors predispose the teens to abuse a variety of drugs and substances, both legal and illegal. Among adolescents and emerging adults, the use of illegal drugs is rising. This brings with it a number of problems which include failures in school, violence, suicide, unsafe sex and poor judgment. Among the emerging adults, difficulties in achieving a successful transition into adult roles is known to lead to drug abuse (Lisha et al., 2015). In addition, a disrupted career development and family formation has been associated with drug abuse (Lisha et al., 2015). If one transits precociously into the status of an adult through such things as teen pregnancies, the chance of marital instability increases and there is increased probability that such a person will engage in drug and substance abuse. Among emerging adults and adolescents, another dangerous trend that has emerged is the non-medical use of prescription drugs (Peralta et al., 2016). Outcomes that are associated with the non-medical use of prescription drugs include mortality and morbidity, depression and overdose. For most of these young people, it is important for preventative interventions to be used to alter their course towards hazardous use of drugs and substances that could be harmful to their health (Ingersoll Ewing, 2010). Such interventions for adolescents seek to delay the age at which the teens are introduced or initiated into the use of drugs and substances. For the emerging adults, the interventions aim at minimizing the effects that the drugs and substances could have on the health of the person after having used them (Ingersoll Ewing, 2010). Such preventive interventions also try to identify the groups with the highest risk of developing dependency on the drugs and any early medical problems that could result from the use of drugs and tailor treatments to all individuals to prevent problems in future. The availability of drugs and substances at home when one is an adolescent influences their use of the same in emerging adulthood. This availability also is associated with adolescents using substances for their first time at an early age (Broman, 2016). Therefore, getting exposed to substances when one is an adolescent and the easy availability of these substances increases the chance of using the substances in adolescence and emerging adulthood. The practices and behaviors of parenting show that parenting practices and behaviors are significant in accounting for the use of drugs and alcohol among adolescents (Broman, 2016). The kind of parenting that involves parents responding to the needs of the children and requiring of the children to control their behavior leads to a high competence psychosocially and reduces the chances that the child will be involved in drug and substance abuse at an early age (Broman, 2016). Furthermore, the environment at home and the conduct of parents is of great importance in adolescents and emerging adults because it provides the environment in which the child is socialized on drug and substance use. What a child learns about the appropriate use of substances is very important. It is the parents that are the first teachers who let the child learn the substances that are appropriate to be used, when these substances should be used and the potential harm that is related to the use of these substances (Broman, 2016). This tends to occur without the parents holding discussions with the parents about the substances. The children simply copy the behavior of their parents. Therefore, the use of drugs among the parents is strongly linked with the use of drugs among adolescents and emerging adults. The linkage that exists between the availability of substances at home and their use among children is because these substances are easily accessible to the children (Broman, 2016). Race-ethnicity is a significant factor in determining the age at which adolescents begin using drugs. Black adolescents are less likely that their white counterparts to have alcohol availability in the home. Sex is also a factor as the availability of drugs at home is more for male adolescents than female adolescents, which is what makes male adolescents to start using drugs at an earlier age that female adolescents (Broman, 2016). The schooling emerging adults in college use alcohol more than they use other psychoactive substances. In 2014, the Monitoring Future national Survey found out that 63% of students in college had consumed alcohol in the past 30 days in 2014. However, the emerging adults in college have a lower prevalence of using illicit drugs than their peers who are not in school (Blevins Khanna, 2016). The study found out that among college students, marijuana has the highest annual prevalence at 34%. Second was amphetamines that are not supervised medically at 10% with tranquilizers taking the third position at 6.6% (Blevins Khanna, 2016). There are many negative consequences associated with the use and abuse of drugs and substances among adolescents and young adults. Drinking among emerging adults and adolescents in colleges causes an estimated 1825 deaths per year, 696000 assaults, and 599000 injuries and close to 97,000 date rapes and sexual assaults. Over 80% of all the apprehensions by police on campus involve alcohol (Blevins Khanna, 2016). Biologically, different brain regions continue developing at various intervals all through adolescence and emerging adulthood. The active processes are what make the brain to be highly susceptible to processes that are neurotoxic and which can be a result of the use of drugs and substances. This comes with disadvantages. The use of alcohol among adolescents and emerging adults is associated with a variety of physiological and neural changes. Such changes include a reduction in the volume of the hippocampus and a high rate of reduction in gray matter in the temporal and frontal cortices accompanied by an attenuated growth of white matter in the pons and corpus callosum (Blevins Khanna, 2016). This causes defects in memory and learning, executive function, effective regulation and impulse control. The neurobiological changes that are caused by drug and substance abuse change cognition and raise the chances of neuropsychiatric processes and substance use disorders. The use of drugs among college students exposes them to the risk of adverse health as well as social and behavioral consequences. According to research, drinking heavily during adolescence and emerging adulthood is linked with reduced attention and poor visuospatial skills as well as poor neurocognitive functions (Blevins Khanna, 2016). Students who use marijuana have higher levels of symptoms related to anxiety and depression. Furthermore, the abuse of drugs and substances is a suicide risk factor in adolescents and emerging adults (Blevins Khanna, 2016). Mental health problems are also associated with the co-occurrence of substance abuse and cigarette smoking (Hammond, Mayes Potenza, 2014). Because of the relationship that exists between the abuse of drugs and substances and anxiety and depression and the risk of suicide that is associated with drug and substance abuse, a lot needs to be done to prevent the abuse of drugs among adolescents and emerging adults. Conclusion In conclusion, it is clear that drug and substance abuse is highly prevalent among adolescents. Therefore, it is important that adolescents and emerging adults understand the likely effects that the use of drugs and substances can have on their health and physical as well as cognitive development. They also need to understand how their decision-making and life in general can be impaired by addiction. The fact that there is information available also provides the hope for these groups of people to be reached and helped before they can indulge into drugs during this period when they are vulnerable.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Compensation And Benefits Of Compensation Essay - 1275 Words
Compensation Benefit The compensation and benefits department is usually responsible for the transparency in the compensation practices in the organization and keeping the internal fairness of the total cash. The compensation and benefits has to supervise the development of new compensation components and keeping the general rules for the design of the compensation component. The compensation and benefits department is responsible for the personnel expenses budget of the organization. The compensation and benefits department sets the standards for the individual salary increase, the mass salary review and the rules for the bonus payout as the organization keeps the financial stability and the planned personnel expenses budget is kept. The compensation and benefits department has special processes to monitor the external job market as it can set the right compensation policy, which is compliant with the approved compensation strategy. The compensation and benefits department is responsible for the extensive monitoring of the market and designing the new compensation components inspired by the HR Best Practices in the compensation area. The compensation and benefits department is always closely attached to the development of the new compensation components, which support the performance and effectivity of the organization. It co-operates with the different business units and it aligns their requests into the general rules for theShow MoreRelatedCompensation And Benefits Of Compensation1791 Words  | 8 Pagestalk about compensation among organizations and employees in today’s work environment. Questions such as, what is the cost to the organization and what will be the organizations return on their compensation investment, are common among questions being asked among organizations. Because of all this, there has been a variety of different pay compensations put into place in the work force. The following paragraphs will talk about one company, Bumpbie, and how a strategic compensation plan, integratedRead MoreCompensation and Benefits1695 Words  | 7 Pages | |Compensation and Benefits | |Human Resource Management Coures | | Employee compensation and benefits are critical factors in the new hire acceptance process andRead MoreCompensation and Benefits1475 Words  | 6 PagesCompensation and Benefits Lisa Epps BUS303 Human Resources Due Date Ashford University There are many people that would choose their life career around the benefits and compensation they may receive. Compensation is known as human resources function that deals with every type of rewards that one may receive in return for performing organizational tasks.()1 Do to these rewards such as compensations; turn-over can be affected in the workforce. 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From the employee prospective one of the most importantRead MoreCompensation and Benefits2496 Words  | 10 PagesCompensation and Benefits: Methods, Strategies and Performances LaTonya Hopes This paper is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Human Resource Administration BUS 5273-50 Texas Woman s University School of Management Dr. Derek Crews February 8, 2013 Table of Contents Abstract †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦....................................................................................................................... 3 Introduction †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 4 LiteratureRead MoreBenefits And Benefits Of Compensation913 Words  | 4 PagesCompensation is how a company decides what is important to meet their company’s goals. There are three components when it comes to compensation. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Reflection Interpersonal Communication
Question: Discuss about theReflection for Interpersonal Communication. Answer: Introduction With this course I came to discover that one of the skills that is needful in this competitive world is the communication skills because of shifts in the economy all through the globe. It helps an individual more likely to secure a job and be successful in their chosen job or career, to the benefit of themselves, the workforce, the community and the economy. It is a skill that one can fall back on when all things fail. For example one with good communication skill can decide to use it as a means of earning a living. Berger (2014) suggested that two thirds of graduate employers valued practical work experience alongside a degree, employability skills are important as they are need across all disciplines to be successful in a position regardless of what degree the graduate has completed, skills such as team work, leadership skills, positive work ethics and communication being paramount to an employees success. In order to gain competencies in these skills work experience and practice i s needed to ensure skills are refined. I remember that I lacked effective communication skills when I started this course. This course has provided me a platform to sharpen my interpersonal communication skills. The objective of this paper is to reflect upon my learning experience. In this paper I have reflected on my interpersonal communication experiences during this course. Analysis In this course I have learned that everyone involved in the planning should be communicated through proper channels and right information must reach the right person. This does not mean every employee needs to know every point included in your most recent new product idea. It means having regular sessions with employees with seniors either face-to-face, one-on-one, small groups, e-mail, postings, presentations, video conferencing, and so forth. Coalition of team is another element of planning. I always believe that Organizational leaders are important to communicating organizational values because leaders are the ones who drive the vision of the organization. My interpersonal communication style closely matches with the value based leadership communication. Under values based leadership, the manager communicates his/her own personal values and the values of the organization through both words and actions. In other words, under value-based leadership, leaders personify and embody the values of the organization both inside and outside of the organization. Therefore, it is important that communicate the right values authenticity, ethicality, and charismatic leadership constructs. When I look back now, I realize that this course was a platform of immense learning for me. In this course, I got a chance to work across multiple groups. I learned a lot from the group members. Communication by organizational leaders during a change initiative is critical. Unfortunately, a fair number of employees or group members will interpret any change as negative regardless of identified positive purposes underlying the proposed change or changes. That is why it is absolutely critical for organizational leadership to follow the multi-step change approach.Positive communication specifically tailored to identify desired change with organizational need and resulting utility will promote personnel acceptance of the proposed changes. There were various situations where there were conflicts in the group. The effective communication is the key to avoid and to overcome the conflict. In our group work we used to follow the ambidextrous approach to communicate effectively at the time of conflicts. I look at this approach very simply: combining two seemingly opposing positions to come up with the best solution. By combining new ideas with established methods, or finding ways to discover new things while also taking advantage of solutions already in use, organizations are using an ambidextrous approach. As experts suggest, organizations must often act ambidextrously. They must look at the past (what has worked and what hasnt) and also look to the future for new opportunities. While there are many different approaches that may work in fostering organizational change, this approach allows for everyone to be involved. Younger employees can have their voices heard while older employees can share their wisdom. Processes that work remains in place while those that dont can be replaced with processes that do work. When I came into the group there had just recently been two members leave and one had been on medical leave and his return was questionable. We were a young group in nature with relatively little leadership experience. The first two meetings that I attended it were clear that we did not have a leader and that one was needed. I spoke with the gal heading the initiative who assisted the group in re-defining or establishing the group roles. It was a project that had been done at the beginning of the project but with the loss and gain of the new members it was necessary again. The exercise was worthwhile as it provided accountability, definition, and confidence and assisted in the vision for the future. It worked out well and could have been done earlier but the group appreciated it was we all felt we were struggling.I have been in charge of leading team meetings. I have found that even if a concern voiced by a certain group of the team isn't resolved immediately, sincere acknowledgment of the concern goes a long way and is appreciated because they feel heard and understood, which lays the foundation for positive progression. On one project in particular, I experienced several challenges ensuring group members were on the same page due to compliance variations. Even though we all work for the same company, compliance rules vary from customer service to collections, all the way to charge off and recovery. There was often setback getting through the project due to some people failing to realize this, which caused a lot of rework. The project was completed on time, but it could have been completed sooner with the proper controls in place. I believe that the employability skills such as effective communication, problem solving, team working, etc. that I was able to build over this course would be more visible to employers with the backing of a university degree. In this fast paced environment and internationalization employers are looking beyond the degree to what competences employees have and can offer. Prior to creating groups or assigning work, we used to have brainstorming sessions to determine and alleviate cultural challenges (Caughlin, 2016). During the group projects, I felt that the communication style and the interpersonal communication skills would differ for different group members. For the group leader, it is important that a common ground or a single platform of communication is established. There were times, when different group members chipped in to take the leadership position. I believe that this is the best way that an informal group can take. There were groups, which I was part of, without any defined hierarchy. I would say that this caused some problem in the group forming stage. However, after the initial group phases of forming and storming, the overall performance of the group was great. We were able to achieve the goals and objectives and I think this is the most important thing that matters. When I look back, I realize that interpersonal communication is the key to ensure that the goals and objectives are not under achieved. As a group we used to communicate often and communicate frequently. This ensure d that there information sharing was effective in the group and our group was able to achieve its goals and objectives. Conclusion Individuals may conform to the group norm, consciously or unconsciously; change their attitudes to justify their overt behaviors; abandon their personal responsibility; or adhere to social roles, even when their morals are tested. I think that what I am lacking at this stage is a development plan for additional soft skills. Moreover, I think I might hugely benefit from getting involved in a volunteer work. A volunteer work would improve my curriculum and would prove to employers that I have the initiative and discipline. As a conclusion, I can say that the outcome of the project or the performance of the group would depend on the communication style of different members in the group rather than the communication style of any single member. When I look back now, I can say that communication is much more than saying or speaking the things. The interpersonal communication and the communication at work place include active listening. As a group we used to listen to the ideas of other gro up members and then we used to decide the best course of action. It resulted in the better outcome in difficult situations. I can say that the overall journey of this course has been satisfying for me and I am thankful that I got a platform where I learned a lot about the interpersonal communication. References Berger, J., 2014. Word of mouth and interpersonal communication: A review and directions for future research.Journal of Consumer Psychology,24(4), pp.586-607. Caughlin, J.P. and Basinger, E., 2016. Measuring Interpersonal Communication.The International Encyclopedia of Interpersonal Communication.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Ludwig Van Beethoven and Mozart free essay sample
Music Appreciation Proof. Caballero One of the most musically talented, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart began at a very young age and passed at a young age. Mozart was incredibly talented; his music is still heard and played around the world today. Amadeus a movie portrayed on Mozart life through the eyes of a Jealous rival Antonio Saltier has some facts as well as fiction to It. Amadeus was a very commendable movie portraying Mozart life. Though it had many facts there are some fiction moments in the movie.Amadeus evicted the relationship between Mozart and Saltier as a jealous rivalry, when actually they were quite friendly and both appreciated the others work. In the movie Saltier Is much older than Mozart when actually Mozart was older than Saltier. The movie begins with sellers accusing himself of murdering Mozart and Is taken to a mental institution. The actual cause of Mozart death was an illness not that he was poisoned by Saltier. We will write a custom essay sample on Ludwig Van Beethoven and Mozart or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Mozart had six children, but only two made it into adulthood. In the movie Amadeus Mozart only had one child. When Mozart passed away his wife Constance was not present at his funeral because she too was ill, although in the movie she was present with their son. Peter Shaffer the writer of Amadeus did an excellent Job in illustrating Mozart life; the movie was full of drama and new. Mozart was an extraordinary musician who will never be forgotten. Mozart wrote many admirable pieces, I have chosen Symphony No. 25 and Plano Concerto No. 21. Symphony No. 25 the first movement has a light tempo, while still at times sounding dark.The piece as a whole gives Off very stormy and full feeling. The dynamics range throughout from loud to soft and back to loud. Overall the piece is allegro with only the second movement being andante. As for the Plano Concerto No. 21 it begins quietly with a march then the tempo begins to brighten and a lyrical melody commences after, the soloist begins to play briefly, at that moment the orchestra Joins again. The piece as a whole is allegro, with the second movement being andante like symphony No. 25, Symphony No. 25 and Plano Concerto No. 1 re very different, while one sounds dark and stormy the other is brighter and cheery. Although both are very famous pieces, Symphony No. 25 was featured in the opening of Amadeus; both pieces show Mozart talent and flamboyant attitude. He is a true genius. Ludwig Van Beethoven and Mozart ay unconventional April 7,2011 puns age and passed at a young age. Mozart was incredibly talented; his music is as fiction to it. Amadeus was a very commendable movie portraying Mozart life. Rough it had many facts there are some fiction moments in the movie.Amadeus evicted the relationship between Mozart and Saltier as a Jealous rivalry, when Saltier is much older than Mozart when actually Mozart was older than Saltier. The movie begins with Saltier accusing himself of murdering Mozart and is taken to a excellent Job in illustrating Mozart life; the movie was full of drama and envy. Rote many admirable pieces, I have chosen Symphony No. 25 and Piano Concerto allegro with only the second movement being andante. As for the Piano Concerto No. Being andante like symphony No. 25. Symphony No. 25 and Piano Concerto No. 21 true genius.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The Role of Transportation in the Development of Tourism
The Role of Transportation in the Development of Tourism Introduction The growth and development of tourism depends on transportation to a great extent. Although transportation and tourism development are, nevertheless, this paper has tried to demonstrate that the relationship between these two issues is somewhat controversial owing to the many schools of thought that are available.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Role of Transportation in the Development of Tourism specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Nevertheless, new technologies in transportation has greatly improved tourism sector. The development of these newer technologies has come about because there is a growing demand for newer, faster and more efficient modes of travel. Development in transportation impacts on the mobility of individuals, not to mention that it influences their demand and motivation (Duval 2007). On the other hand, transportation may also impact negatively on tourism development owing to the iss ues of pollution, destruction of the environment and wildlife, and congestion. The paper attempts to examine the role of transportation in tourism development. Role of Transport in Tourism Development The role played by transportation in tourism development remains controversial mainly because there are various schools of thoughts regarding its role in comparison with development. Some schools of thought have for example sought to categorize the role of transportation in tourism into negative, positive, and neutral. With regard to the positive perspective, transportation is seen as a key driver of the tourism industry. On the other hand, the neutral perspective holds that transportation facilities may not yield productive tourism activities on their own.Advertising Looking for essay on transportation? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In contrast, the negative point of view seeks to examine circumstances under which tr ansportation might lead to an in the spread of disease, increased migration, or a reduction in per capita income levels (Musa Ndawayo 2011). Many scholars have expressed conflicting views on the issue of the role of transportation in tourism development, but most of them prescribe to the base structure described above. Nevertheless, there is compelling evidence to support the claim that transportation plays a crucial role in the development of the tourism industry in any given economy. At the same time, there are many common interests shared by both the transportation and tourism sectors. As such, the two sectors appear to be somewhat interdependent (Musa Ndawayo 2011). As the tourism industry expands, this interdependence begins to become more apparent, not least because the sector plays a key role in the economic development of a country. A lot of scholars contend that the infrastructure base of any nation acts as a determining factor of how attractive tourist destinations in su ch a country are. With regard to specific transport infrastructure, charged with the responsibility of offering vital transportation services, we can rightly assume that transportation plays a key role in this respect. In their work, Khadarooa and Seetanahb (2008) have identified the role played by transportation network in the growth of a country’s tourism sector. They see transportation network as a vital ingredient for the successful development of the tourism sector.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Role of Transportation in the Development of Tourism specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The authors have further noted that transport is a key component in our quest to create and develop successful new tourist attractions sites. Transportation is also important in terms of promoting the growth and development of existing tourist destinations. It is important to note that by providing ideal transportation ser vices to hitherto dead centers for tourist attraction, we are likely to transform them into active and successful; tourist destinations and in the process, we could end up witnessing multitudes of people paying visits to such sites every year. Prideaux (2000) has also recognized the role played by transpiration infrastructure in tourism development. Even as many authors have recognized the importance of efficient transport as a prerequisite for the successful implementation of a tourism development program, there is not much work that has been carried out to explore the role played by transportation in tourism development. Only a limited number of researchers have dedicated their research to studying the impact of transportation on tourism development. Majority of the tourism studies appear to define the link between tourism and transport with regard to the issuer of accessibility. In this case, transport acts as a link between on the one hand, tourist destination centers and on the other hand, tourist generating centers. A number of authors have explored the historical background of tourism within the context of how different modes of transportation have been developed over the years. Others have deemed it necessary to view transportation from an interdisciplinary approach, in which case it acts as one among several elements which when combined forms the tourism system (Palhares 2003, p. 405).Advertising Looking for essay on transportation? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More A number of researchers have also developed and tested various models of tourism flows, although the role of transportation has been quite limited. We also have other scholars who views transportation form the geographical context and examine the flow of tourists between rural and metropolitan destinations. Tourism involves a lot of travelling and in this case, transportation links tourists with different tourist destinations, in addition to ferrying goods and services. As such, transportation plays a crucial role in tourism development. In a bid to demonstrate that tourism and transportation are interconnected, we need to realize that once transportation in a given tourism region has been improved, we end up expanding tourism in such a region. We have a number of scholars who view transportation as part of the larger tourism system which plays a key role in ensuring that tourists get to the desired destinations. This means that transportation is seen as only a means to enable such tourists to get to the desired tourist destination and once they are finished with their expeditions, they are ferried back to their place of residence. According to Page and Lumsdon (2004), the system of transport available at a given tourist destination affects the experience of tourists, and this may perhaps explain the manner in which people decide to travel, as well as their choice of holiday destinations, types of holiday, and mode of transport. The development of tourist destination relies heavily on transport networks. This is the case especially with regard to the issues of connectivity and accessibility (Duval 2007). As such, the scope and pattern of tourism is eventually determined by the degree of connectivity and accessibility within a given transport network. For example, the United States is a key market of tourist destinations in New Zealand. The host country has benefited from the non-stop and long-haul air services that the US provides. In the same way, the United States operates nonstop air flights from key urban areas such as New York and Washington, D.C to the Caribbean, another tourist destination. This is a clear indication that as the efficiency and availability of transportation increases, so does the number of tourists to a given destination. Some tourist destinations have largely remained unpopular in the past simply because they could not be accessed easily as the transport infrastructure was either unavailable or very poorly developed (Sorupia 2005). However, with improvements in transportation, coupled with reduced transportation costs, accessibility to such areas has increased dramatically. In the process, such areas have continued to attract a large number of tourists all year round. It is important however to remember that the level of accessibility to tourism sites will differ depending on the state of the existing transport infrastructure, nature of the site, as well as how efficient the public transport system in use is. Tra nsportation could also impact negatively on tourism development. For example, it could pose a threat to the environment and consequently, hinder tourism development. With regard to land transportation, both road and rail transport affects the habitat and by extension, the wildlife. This is because the two mode of transport traverse natural areas, in effect dividing hitherto contiguous areas. In addition, emissions from air and road transport remain by far the most widespread sources of greenhouse gasses (Peters 2000). Noise and air pollution in the form of engine noises from motor vehicles, planes, overhead cable carts, and constructions can all have negative ramifications on wildlife, thereby impacting negatively on the tourism sector. Moreover, pollution also affects the natural habitat and may end up driving tourists away as the tourist destination in question is no longer attractive. On the issue of access and modes of transport, it is important to note that both tourism and acc essibility could be connected with the degradation levels of a given tourist destination. Some of the matters arising from such an association include the impacts per capita, carrying, as well as visitor management. The way in which we are able to manage these issues is an indication of the mode of tourism that the community, the government, and the operator advocate for (Page Lumsdon 2004). Therefore, accessibility can ensure the success or failure of a destination. One school of thought regarding this argument is that with a lot of people are likely to frequent a given tourist destination as accessibility increases. Consequently, the level of degradation increases, thereby affecting the state of natural resources. Another argument considers the ratio of host population to that of visits and the type and level of the impact created. It is important to ensure that such a ratio is maintained at a level that the local community is comfortable with in order to avoid any emerging confl ict on the issue of resources allocation. As the number of tourist visiting a given tourist destination increases, we are likely to witness increased rail and road congestion, not to mention the rise of air, road and noise pollution levels. In case the existing infrastructure is not sufficient to accommodate this increase, conflicts could emerge. Besides, an increase in the number of tourists would affect the environment and wildlife as well. Conclusion Although a lot of scholars have recognized the importance of efficient transport as a prerequisite for the successful implementation of a tourism development program, only a handful of studies have been dedicated to researching on the role of transportation in tourism development. There is a controversy surrounding the role of transportation in tourism development as there are divergent schools of thought regarding the issue in question. The schools of thought have sought to explore the positive, negative, and neutral role played by transportation in as far as tourism development is concerned. Nonetheless, both the transportation and tourisms sectors share some common interest and for this reason, they are interdependent. Transportation affects the mobility of tourists, in addition to influencing their demand and motivation to visit a certain tourist destinations. The successful development of new tourist destinations depends heavily on the accessibility and connectivity of the existing transport network. Transportation is also important in terms of promoting the growth and development of existing tourist destinations. On the other hand, transportation leads to pollution, and this can affect both the wildlife and the natural habitat, thereby driving tourism away. Also, improved transportation can result in massive migration, with a resultant increase in population and congested transport system. This may bring about conflict between the hosts and the tourists. Reference List Duval, D, 2007,Tourism and transport : modes, networks and flows, Channel View Publications, Bristol Khadarooa, J Seetanahb, B, ‘The role of transport infrastructure in international tourism development: A gravity model approach’, Tourism Management, vol. 29, pp. 831–840. Musa, I Ndawayo, B,’ The role of transportation in the development of tourism in Nigeria’, An international multidisciplinary journal of tourism, vol. 6, no.1, pp. 297-305 Page, S Lumsdon L, 2004, Tourism and transport: Issues and agenda for the new millennium, Elsevier, Boston. Palhares, GL 2003, ‘The Role of Transport in Tourism Development: Nodal Functions and Management Practices’, Journal of Tourism Research, vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 403–407. Peters, D, 2000, A sustainable transport convention for the new Europe. Earthscan Publications Ltd., London. Sorupia, E 2005, Rethinking the role of transportation in tourism,
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Reusing Plastic Bottles Can Pose Serious Health Hazards
Reusing Plastic Bottles Can Pose Serious Health Hazards Most types of plastic bottles are safe to reuse at least a few times if properly washed with hot soapy water. However, recent revelations about some of the toxic chemicals found in Lexan (plastic #7) bottles are enough to prevent even the most committed environmentalists from reusing them- or buying them in the first place. Studies suggest that food and drinks stored in such containers- including those ubiquitous clear water bottles hanging from just about every hiker’s backpack- can contain trace amounts of Bisphenol A (BPA), a synthetic chemical that may interfere with the body’s natural hormone messaging system. Reused Plastic Bottles Can Leach Toxic Chemicals Repeated re-use of plastic bottles- which get dinged up through normal wear and tear while being washed- increases the chance that chemicals will leak out of the tiny cracks and crevices that develop in the containers over time. According to the Environment California Research Policy Center, which reviewed 130 studies on the topic, BPA has been linked to breast and uterine cancer, increased risk of miscarriage, and decreased testosterone levels. BPA can also wreak havoc on children’s developing systems. (Parents beware: Some baby bottles and sippy cups are made with plastics containing BPA.) Most experts agree that the amount of BPA that could potentially leach into food and drinks through normal handling is probably very small. Nevertheless, there are concerns about the cumulative effect of these small doses over time. Why Plastic Water and Soda Bottles Shouldnt Be Reused Health advocates advise against reusing bottles made from plastic #1 (polyethylene terephthalate, also known as PET or PETE), including most disposable water, soda, and juice bottles. According to The Green Guide, such bottles may be safe for one-time use but reuse should be avoided. Studies indicate that the containers may leach DEHP- another probable human carcinogen- when they are structurally compromised and in less than perfect condition. Millions of Plastic Bottles End Up in Landfills Every year, consumers go through millions of plastic bottles. Fortunately, these containers are easy to recycle and just about every municipal recycling system will take them back. Still, using them is far from environmentally responsible. The nonprofit Berkeley Ecology Center found that the manufacture of plastic #1 not only uses large amounts of energy and resources but also generates toxic emissions and pollutants that contribute to global warming. And even though PET bottles can be recycled, millions of them find their way into landfills every day in the United States alone. Incinerating Plastic Bottles Releases Toxic Chemicals Another bad choice for water bottles, reusable or otherwise, is plastic #3 (polyvinyl chloride/PVC), which can leach hormone-disrupting chemicals into the liquids stored in them and also release synthetic carcinogens into the environment when incinerated. Plastic #6 (polystyrene/PS) has been shown to leach styrene, a probable human carcinogen, into food and drinks as well. Safe Reusable Bottles Do Exist Plastic bottles are not the only reusable containers available to consumers. Safer choices include bottles crafted from HDPE (plastic #2), low-density polyethylene (LDPE, or plastic #4), or polypropylene (PP, or plastic #5). Aluminum and stainless steel water bottles, such as those youll find at online retailers and in many brick-and-mortar natural food markets, are safer choices that can be reused repeatedly and eventually recycled.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 77
Reflection - Essay Example Franklin Roosevelt highlighted that the American nation was willing to use its energy, organizing power and resources to defend freedom of other nations. He was keen to highlight that America’s efforts would ensure that the world experiences the four critical types of human freedoms. Roosevelt highlighted that the first essential human freedom was the freedom of speech and expression while the second was the â€Å"freedom of every person to worship God in his way everywhere in the world†1. He further highlighted the third freedom as the freedom from want based on economic understandings that foster a measure of economic security in every nation. According to Roosevelt, the world also needed to enjoy the freedom from fear without any potential threat of physical aggression. Therefore, the freedom from fear was defined as the fourth freedom. Philip Randolph was a civil leader who delivered a speech titled, â€Å"why should we March?†. His speech urged Negros to participate in the march of African American on Washington. Randolph highlights that African Americans had been denied an opportunity to work in the US defense industries. Moreover, other industries did not give African Americans job opportunities. Therefore, many African Americans were subjected to discrimination under the Jim Crow rules. A close analysis of the racial discrimination that Randolph was fighting against reveals a high level of irony when compared to Roosevelt’s, which highlighted the four freedoms. Notably, the American nation promoted the four freedoms but only to the whites. It is ironical that African Americans lived in fear and poverty. Additionally, the African Americans were denied the freedom of speech and expression. Notably, the African American population did not have the chance to enjoy the four freedoms that Roosevelt had talked about. According to Randolph, â€Å"the community is democratic only when the humbles and weakest person can enjoy the higher
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Multimedia Report Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Multimedia Report - Article Example I wondered how parents find joy in parenting a child who does not grow intellectually and socially; is unable to interact with parents and siblings; does not exhibit sensory and conscious awareness, communication and personality factors associated with personhood. I wondered how parents of anencephalic children find joy in parenting. I found an answer in a North Carolina News 14 video about a Charlotte family invited by an organ donor organization to ride a float in the Pasadena Rose Bowl Parade. The video was well-done, with still shots of the baby, family, and footage of parent comments, and information. During Shannon’s pregnancy, baby Skylar, a girl, was found to be anencephalic. She had a brain stem and open neural tube, said by our book to sometimes be caused by a lack of folic acid in the mother’s body (Page 36). They decided to carry her to term. They did this in order to donate her organs (her liver cells), to give meaning to Skylar’s life, to help anoth er family (the mother explained), to keep from â€Å"focusing on the dark side†(as the father said). Skylar lived for 99 minutes, after birth, surrounded by family and friends, and died in her mother’s arms. The photos clearly show love and compassion and parenting joy in this child. The mother commented, â€Å"She really changed our lives†. ... 5 video clip and article, together, about a Colorado boy with anencephaly (brain stem only, open neural tube) who has miraculously lived for his first birthday celebration. Most babies with anencephaly do not live even until birth, and even then not more than minutes, usually. His mother and grandparents clearly love him. He is cuddled and held. Mom explains that he cannot see, hear, suck, crawl, sit, and has no teeth. She expresses pain that she will soon have to bury him, yet she brags about how he smiles sometimes and how they once â€Å"got him to laugh†(Vanderputte, 2009). They celebrate every milestone, not knowing if there will be another. Mom says, â€Å"He’s a miracle. He’s changed so many people’s lives†. Because I am captivated by this theme of the joys of parenting, and how it overcomes difficulties as great as a lack of apparent personhood and consciousness, I am impressed by her courage in finding parenting joy. In this particular art icle, however, I am most intrigued by the mother’s statement that they â€Å"got him to laugh†, and the excitement in her report of his smiles, and their ability to â€Å"celebrate every milestone†. It is possible, though unlikely, that modern medicine is mistaken and that children without a brain can express emotion, consciousness and learning. If not, the mother is projecting hopes onto a child incapable of fulfilling them. Yet she does so and feels joy. If we are â€Å"programmed to respond positively to babies†(Brooks, 2010, p 3), is parenting joy simply parental projection, in this case? Two among six reasons that people reportedly take on the parenting role are to feel excitement at children’s growth and development and to feel accomplishment in helping children grow (p 4). If growth and development are lacking,
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Analysis of Challenges in International Management Essay Example for Free
Analysis of Challenges in International Management Essay Analysis of Challenges in International Management†Abstract The following essay analysis the challenges in International Management with particular regard to the challenge of â€Å"culture†in international business as it is the must difficult to deal with and being essential for successful results in a wide range of global management tasks nowadays and in the future. Introduction Today successful international management requires more than a lot of frequent flyer miles or seasoned expatriate managers. But what are those exclusive challenges of international management in today’s world? The importance of international management is constantly increasing, as we exist in a world where globalisation is affecting the traditional borders in a broad range of areas. †¢Trade and investment, †¢Economic alliances, †¢The international stage players, and †¢The work environment are changing rapidly, being supported by the increasing sophistication and lower cost of information technology. World trade and investments are growing fast (the volume of world trade among countries has grown at an average rate over 8% since 2005 (WTO 2008)), linking the economies and creating opportunities and threats. New, strong and forced competitors are coming from developing nations in Asia and the transitioning economies of Eastern Europe. Furthermore, the constantly rising level of foreign direct investment also has a globalising effect (Thomas 2002). Moreover, the emergence of the free-trade areas drastically decreased traditional economic boundaries. So do the three largest groups, the EU, the NAFTA, and the APEC, account for nearly half of the world’s trade (Cullen 2002) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) now has 140 member-nations, aiming to reduce tariffs and liberalize trade. But globalization also affects the work environments within organizations. Changes involve cutbacks, team-based management movements and privatization. For instance, there can be factory closings, as Nokia closing their German plant in Bochum moving to Romania, because of cheaper labour. All in all, as one key consequence of globalisation, international managers nowadays have to face a more dynamic, complex, competitive and uncertain environment and need skills (as a global mindset or the ability to work with people from diverse background) not considered necessary for domestic-only managers. The environment of international management can be divided into †¢economic, †¢legal, †¢political, and †¢cultural factors (Thomas 2002). So for making decisions it is essential to understand the economic strategies of the countries in or with one wants to conduct business with, because level of economic development and quality of life differs extremely worldwide. Furthermore, there are various national sovereign laws and regulations existing in the world which have to be observed and made allowance for. And in addition, there are several varieties of political systems (e. g. , theocratic totalitarianism in Saudi Arabia), containing different levels of political risks which have to be managed. For instance, decision makers have to able to estimate the degree of risk associated with a government’s involvements in business affairs depending on characteristics of their company. All these factors present impressive challenges multinational management has to face. However, the management challenge of culture and its effects on business practices and organizations is one of the most difficult to deal with. As conducting business with people from other cultures will never be easy you have to understand how culture affects management and organizations. â€Å"Culture†is a concept borrowed from cultural anthropology and there are numerous and subtle different definitions. As each definition has limitations focussing on international management the following description of Geert Hofstede seems very helpful. He defines the culture of any society as comprising shared values, understandings, assumptions and goals learned from earlier generations, imposed by present members of a society and passed on to succeeding generations (Hofstede 2008). Culture is something shared by members of a particular group, differentiates humans from other groups, is transmitted through the process of learning and adapts to external and internal environments and relationships. The international businessperson needs to be aware of three levels of cultures that may influence multinational operations. These include national culture, business culture, and organisational cultures (Cullen 2002). National culture can be described as the dominant culture within the political borders of a nation-state. But one has to be aware that multiple cultures can exist within political boundaries and they do not necessarily reflect cultural borders. For instance, Canada being home to Anglophones and Francophones. Furthermore, even relatively homogenous cultures can have diverse subcultures, including cultural differences which are affecting the international business. Nevertheless, as most business is conducted within the political borders of a state and nations can be defined as political unities, varying in governmental, legal, educational, institutional and labour systems, influencing the way people interact with their environment (Thomas 2002), national culture has the greatest effect on international business being probably the most logic starting point trying to understand the cultural environment. Business culture, reflecting the national culture, influences all aspects of work and organizational life (e. g. , motivating staff, negotiating with business partners, etc. and knowing it’s basic requirements (e. g. , what to wear to business meetings, business etiquette is more formal in Germany than in the U. S. with conservative dark business suits, etc. ) is essential for the international manager. Moreover, especially in the last few years, people realized that the â€Å"culture†-concept also holds for individual organizations. So may differences in organizational culture may be one reason why the merger of two otherwise successful companies failed. It is important to evaluate the influence of organizational rules, norms and procedures to understand the causes of behaviour in organizations. With shared behaviours, conditional relationship, being socialized into and partly involved in it, etc. organizational culture differs in construction and elements of national culture. Even so understanding these cultural factors is fundamental for international managers conducting international business, they have to be aware that â€Å"cultures†can just offer wide guidelines for behaviour, as for instance organizational cultures differ within any national context and individuals vary in each culture level. One cannot predict exactly how each person acts, feels, thinks, etc. Nonetheless, broad generalization about a culture provides a level of analysis from which to begin to understand the cultural environment and the complexities of cultural differences, because management functions such as planning, organizing, leading, and controlling in a global economy have to account for them. As international managers have to face various cultural challenges testing their management abilities they must be able to unpack the culture concept. Therefore the basic concepts of cultural dimensions can help them understand how two or more cultures might be different. An essential implication of these frameworks referring to international management and culture is that cultural interpretation and adaptation are a prerequisite to the comparative understanding of international management practice (Morden 1995). The following sections describe two popular models. Hofstede’s Culture Model This Framework, created by dutch scientist Geert Hofstede and based on a research over 11600 people in 50 countries (starting with 39 IBM subsiadiaries worldwide), tries to evaluate how basic values underlay organizational behaviour. National differences are investigated by five dimensions of basic cultural values: 1. Power distance 2. Uncertainty avoidance 3. Individualism 4. Masculinity and 5. Long-term orientation (Hofstede 2008). 1. This first value dimension refers to how cultures deal with inequality and tries to postion the inequality acceptance level by unequal power distribution society members. In countries with a high power distance acceptance (e. g. , such as Mexico), people respect and hardly ever bypass formal hierarchy positions (Elizabeth M. Christopher 2008). 2. The second value dimension concerns about the degree humans in a society are threatened by uncertain situations. The social system of a higher uncertainty avoidance society is dominated by regulations and rules, predictabilties and orders and people tend to be suspicious of change, whereas people from lower levels of uncertainty avoidance societies (for instance, countries such as Denmark). tend to be less formal, take higher business risks and plan and structure less 3. Individualism refers to the affinity to primarily take care of oneself and one’s direct family, and then to the rest of society (with the U. S. being a good example) (Elizabeth M. Christopher 2008). 4. The fourth dimension of â€Å"masculinity†concerns about the ranking of tradionally â€Å"masculine†values in a society, such as less concerning for others, materialism and assertiveness, whereas â€Å"feminity†on the other side emphasises the quality of life and relationships. 5. Long-term orientation cultures are insistent and saving (e. g. the culture of China) and short-term orientation is more self-centered, money-oriented and more social. All these factors are inter-reliant and interactive in their effects. So shows the Anglo-Dutch example Unilever the practicability of multinational enterprises where the power distance, uncertainty avoidance, and individualism values are similar; and where the masculine achievement orientation of the British complements the people orientation of the Dutch (Morden 1995). All in all, so there is a lot of criticism (for instance, the time-dependence of the results, the non-exhaustive investigation of only one multinational US company, etc. to these findings and the model of Hofstede, it is still a very valuable and useful â€Å"gift†for understanding culture and culture-based behavior. Trompenaars’ Culture Model The model created by Fons Trompenaars its also based on the researched of value dimensions. He studied the behavoiur of 15000 managers, representing 47 national cultures (Hampden-Turner 2008). Five of the seven dimensions of his model deal with the challenges of h ow people relate to each other: 1. Universalism versus particularism 2. Neutral versus affective 3. Specific versus diffuse . Achievement versus ascription 5. Time as sequence versus synchronisation The two final dimensions deal with how a culture manages time and how it deals with nature. They include: 6. The society-orientation to the past, present, or future and 7. â€Å"Control of†versus â€Å"accommodation with†nature 1. The value of univerlism refers to the application to systems and rules objectively, without taking consideration to personal circumstances, whereas the particularism culture (e. g. in countries as Spain) is more subjective and focusses more on relationships. 2. The second, the neutral-versus-affective, value dimension refers on the emotional orientation of relationships (such as expressing your feelings and emotions more like, for example, the Portugese). 3. In Addition the specific-versus-diffus dimension investigates if people from a special culture tend to be more or less specific or diffuse in their relationships (for example, Germans try to separate work and personal issues). 4. In the achievement-versus-ascription dimension, it is asked: †What is the source of power and status in society? †(Elizabeth M. Christopher 2008) So is for instance, in an achievement refering culture, the â€Å"status†of a person mainly based on it’s individual achievement (such as job performance, etc. ). 5. â€Å"Time as sequence†orientated cultures separate events in time (â€Å"step-by-step†), whereas â€Å"time as synchronisation†-orientated indiviuals manage events in parallel. (For example, if their business partners are not sharp on time, Germans, coming from a â€Å"time-as-sequence†orientated culture, may consider it an insultation). 6. This value dimension is about past versus future orientations. 7. Moreover, this dimension refers to the extent to which individuals feel that they themselves are the primary influence on their lives. Using this framework trying to understand some culture-basics some interesting patterns may emerge. Altough, being recognised for their validity (the results of these both major studies have some significant parallels, even so they were carried out in different times using different methods and examples), these concepts of cultural value orientation proposed by Hofstede and Tropmenaar can only give a basic framework for the analysis of cultural differences. They are utensils to help understand a culture and adjusting business practices to diverse cultural environments. They are for instance, a prerequisite to the successful new-market country entry, whether by setting up licensing or new subsidiaries, joint ventures, mergers or for the establishment of efficient programmes of international HR development (Kay 1993). But international managers have to realise that the understanding of another culture is a inexhaustible learning process. They will have to practice for their international work with or in other countries by studiying all that they can about the country, including more than just the business etiquette. Understanding the national culture builds just the foundation. As you seldom can get behind the front stage of culture without speaking the national language onother basic instrument is learning the language. But the challenge of â€Å"culture†in international management takes such much more than this. International managers have to broaden their understanding of cultural differences and to learn to seek advantage in differences. Understanding the culture is just a basis for the diverse international management tasks, as appropriate cross-cultural communication (using appropiate communication styles), effective and positive motivating and leadership in international organisations and across cultures, successful negotiation with international business partners and making ethically and socially responsible decisions. Conclusion The environment of international management can be divided into economic, legal, political, and cultural factors, with â€Å"culture†being the most challenging and most difficult to deal with, influencing a broad range of management tasks. Providing oneself with the necessary knowlegde and understanding of the national culture of the country or the people one is conducting business with is essential and builds just the foundation for the successful complementation of global management tasks, such as for instance leadership in multinational organisations (where you have to have understanding of all three levels of culture; national, business and organisational culture, being different and influencing each other).
Thursday, November 14, 2019
mummies :: essays research papers
     When you think of a mummy what comes to mind? Most of us usually picture an Egyptian mummy wrapped in bandages and buried deep inside a pyramid. While the Egyptian ones are the most famous, mummies have been found in many places throughout the world, from Greenland to China to the Andes Mountains of South America. A mummy is the body of a person (or an animal) that has been preserved after death. Normally when we die, bacteria and other germs eat away at the soft tissues (such as skin and muscles) leaving only the bones behind. Since bacteria need water in order to grow, mummification usually happens if the body dries out quickly after death. The body may then be so well preserved that we can even tell how the dead person may have looked in life. Mummies are made naturally or by embalming, which is any process that people use to help preserve a dead body. Mummies can be dried out by extreme cold, by the sun, by smoke, or using chemicals such as natron. Some bodies become mummies because there were favorable natural conditions when they died. Others were preserved and buried with great care. The ancient Egyptians believed that mummifying a person's body after death was essential to ensure a safe passage to the afterlife.                Last updated February 4, 1997 by CHICO WHAT IS A MUMMY Mummification in ancient Egypt was a very long and expensive process. From start to finish, it took about seventy days to embalm a body. Since the Egyptians believed that mummification was essential for passage to the afterlife, people were mummified and buried as well as they could possibly afford. High-ranking officials, priests and other nobles who had served the pharaoh and his queen had fairly elaborate burials. The pharaohs, who were believed to become gods when they died, had the most magnificent burials of all. In the case of a royal or noble burial, the embalmers set up workshops near the tomb of the mummy. The art of Egyptian mummification consisted of many steps. First, the body was washed and ritually purified. The next step was to remove the deceased person's inner organs. A slit was cut into the left side of the body so that the embalmers could remove the intestines, the liver, the stomach and the lungs. Each of these organs was embalmed using natron, which served to dry out the organs and discourage bacteria from decaying the tissues.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Buddhism without Beliefs
It is a well-known fact that Buddhism religion is distinguished from all Asian religions due to its three innovative and original sifts: equal position of women; emergence of Buddhism as social transformation; replacement of monastery and building lay community â€Å"as the principal arena of Buddhist practice†. The book â€Å"Buddhism without Beliefs†by Stephen Batchelor describes the significance of three elements and their application to future development of the world. (Batchelor 1997)It is possible to suggest that the book is an intelligent effort to provide better understanding to the Buddhism religion and to make clear the attribute of â€Å"dharma practice†. Apparently, the book contains author’s personal reflections and suggestions how to apply Buddhism studies to contemporary era o skepticism. It is necessary to outline that the book contains three main parts called â€Å"Ground†, â€Å"Path†, â€Å"Fruition†and the last se ction devoted to culture and imagination. The author is rather persuasive, because he uses logical arguments, conclusions, facts and viewpoints to defend his position.Batchelor has managed to affect readers and to make them think about the issue. Therefore the book leads through abundant data presented to persuade readers that Buddhism is worth attention. Therefore, the apparent strength of the book is abundant data and evidence used to support the main idea. (Batchelor 1997) The first part of the book â€Å"Ground†involves theoretical framework of Buddhism religion and explains its core issues. The author begins with explaining differences between two entities – â€Å"dharma practice†and â€Å"religious Buddhism†– intertwined into the history of Buddhism theory.According to Batchelor those entities are closely related and thus are inseparable. Furthermore, they have to be preserved for discovering their contemporary significance. The first and the most significant entity for Batchelor is â€Å"dharma practice†, because it teaches and trains how to awaken and to feel freedom from â€Å"anguish†. The second entity â€Å"religious Buddhism†is a system of belief aims at ensuring social stability as well as providing religious consolation. (p. 16)Nevertheless, the author admits that world view and religious expression has little to do with core Buddha’s teachings, because they â€Å"pertain solely to the Asian cultural soil within which Buddhism took root†. Batchelor agrees that those entities have had significant purpose in ancient time, though they are hardly applicable to contemporary society. The author argues that if the dharma practice offers alternative approach to interpretation of core values and virtues, it has to be deprived of â€Å"its religious apparel and recast in a purely secular mode†.It would result in agnostic style of dharma practicing. (Batchelor 1997) Moreover, Batchelor believes that dharma practice would aim at social and personal freedom and liberation meaning that people have to escape from â€Å"suffering created by egocentric clinging†. According to Batchelor the positive moment of Buddhism is that the religion provides answers to great questions concerning place of humans in the â€Å"grand scheme of things†. The author seems to provide agnostic vision of the thinks stating that â€Å"the dharma is not something to believe in but something to do†.(p. 17) However, Buddha didn’t have answers to metaphysical questions of his day. The only known fact is that Buddha was teaching followers about sufferings and cessation. Thus the author makes a conclusion that Buddha’s teachings are therapeutic, existential and may be referred to liberating agnosticism. For example, Batchelor makes an attempt to escape from metaphysical questions of his day by arguing that Buddha â€Å"was merely adopting the symbols, m etaphors, and imagery of his world†. (p. 17)Nevertheless, Later Batchelor suggests that Buddha â€Å"accepted the ideas of rebirth and kamma†, though he considers them â€Å"odd that a practice concerned with anguish and the ending of anguish should be obliged to adopt ancient Indian metaphysical theories and thus accept as an article of faith that consciousness cannot be explained in terms of brain function†. (p. 37) However, Batchelor seems not to approve Buddha’s metaphysical theories, although he doesn’t completely reject the idea of reincarnation or rebirth.Instead the author thinks that honest approach has to be taken in understanding life after death, because existing knowledge isn’t enough to state anything. Buddha accepts the ideas of reincarnation and kamms indicating a â€Å"failure to summon forth the courage to risk a non-dogmatic and non-evasive stance on such crucial existential matters†. (p. 38) It is apparent that the author tends to use a variety of logical arguments to approve his interpretation of Dhamma. Batchelor’s arguments succeed in gaining cogency due to oversimplification, selective relevant citations and rationalization.For example the author discuses â€Å"four ennobling truths†and finds put that these truths aren’t â€Å"propositions to believe [but] challenges to act†. (p. 7) Nevertheless, such statement is hardly truthful, because the author fails to admit that â€Å"tasks imposed by the truths acquire their meaning from a specific context, namely, the quest for liberation from the vicious round of rebirths†. The dichotomy between â€Å"religious Buddhism†and â€Å"dharma practice†is hardly endorsable. The author calls to â€Å"recognize a spectrum of Buddhist practices, ranging from simple devotional and ethical observances to more advanced contemplative and philosophical ones†.Those observances are involved into faith and understanding, though they disappear when dharma practice is regarded on the basis of different suggestions. The author considers premises underling the traditional Buddhist practice as reincarnation and kamm, though he thinks they are only consolatory elements crept into the religion. (p. 18-19) The second part of the book is titled â€Å"Path†and aims at providing relevant sketches to agnostic conceptions based on the dharma practice. Furthermore, author provides clear and lively explanations of the issues displaying his creativity and literary gift.The part is divided into subsections devoted to awareness, overview of emptiness and development of sympathy and compassion. Apparent strength of the part is simple examples introduced in every subsection. Most original examples involve practicing awareness and mindfulness, showing essence of emptiness, challenging the findings and reflecting on common sufferings of friends, enemies and acquaintances. The second part includes also twelve links of dependent origination interpreted rather originally and illustrated by mistaken perception.(Batchelor 1997) Nevertheless, the conception of the path is absent in Batchelor’s interpretation, though it is considered the traditional foundation of Buddhist religion: â€Å"the Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels†. The author thinks that mentioning the path doesn’t have any sense in the frame pf agnostic conception, though omission of path seems rather significant. Furthermore, the author doesn’t mention either code of moral rules or the Five Precepts. However, Batchelor slightly talks about ethical framework and proposes integrity.Despite the fact he speaks about impressive insights of integrity, the issues is still questionable as it has neither sufficient basis for ethic nor exact guidelines. (p. 48-50) The third part of the book â€Å"Fruition†is an exploration of consequences of dharma practice and explanation why dharma pract ice is called â€Å"passionate agnosticism†, Batchelor starts with accounting meditative path. The author explains the process of meditation stating that it consists of â€Å"radical, relentless questioning of every aspect of experience†.Nevertheless, such beginning makes readers profoundly perplexed, though for author â€Å"this perplexed questioning is the central path itself†. (p. 98) It means that the path aims at finding no goals and answers. Such conception of dharma practice seems bizarre and strange. Further, the author returns to meditation stating that its goal to justify belief system and to approve using the raft of the dharma practice. According to author, Buddha stresses the insight meditation, because it is able to lead to thorough knowledge of true nature. Thus Batchelor shows once more â€Å"the bearing of one's starting point on one's destination†.It is apparent that the author firstly starts from agnostic concept and then turns to exces sive mystery and doubt. However, Batchelor believes that if a person trust dharma practice, he/she has to follow the right View and consequently to find Right Knowledge and Right Liberation. (p. 108) The last section is devoted to the concepts of culture and imagination. The author deals with correlations between contemporary world and Buddhist teachings and religion. In other words, Batchelor tries to find implications of Buddhism in modern world.The author asserts that throughout the Buddhism history, â€Å"Dhamma has rejuvenated itself by continually altering its forms to respond to changing social and cultural conditions†. However, such statement may be considered the act of author’s imagination, his gift of talented thinker and his creative vision of things. (p. 107) Batchelor has given new and fresh approach to Buddhist teachings. Some critics find Batchelor’s vision of Buddhism too simplistic, though it is difficult to agree with them. Batchelor seems to present his original point of view, his understanding and his perception of Buddhism.He succeeded in making viewers interested exactly by simple explanation of core Buddhist issues. Nevertheless, the author has failed to explain sufficiently the role played by orthodoxy in stimulating dharma practice. What is more important to mention is that Batchelor believes that Buddhism applied to contemporary world may rise the need to create meaning that dharma practice is able to stimulate creativity in followers. According to author, dharma practice is a â€Å"new culture of awakening that addresses the specific anguish of the contemporary world†.(p. 109) It is necessary to conclude that Batchelor has created a new vision of Buddhism culture of awakening by stressing the integrity of Buddhist tradition and their responsibility to the present and the future. Despite the critique the book is rally worth reading, because it provides better understanding, advantages and disadvantages of not only of Buddhism religion, but also of agnostic concept. References Batchelor, Stephen. (1997). Buddhism Without Beliefs: A Contemporary Guide to Awakening. New York: Revierhead Books.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Minimum Wage and Unemployment Rate †A Direct Relationship Essay
In any labor market, free or regulated, there is friction and rigidity that result in labor issues. With 11 million people unemployed, and millions more discouraged or underemployed, there is justification to believe that these high population levels represent a glitch in the American labor market (1). These basic statistics, coupled with the elementary economic theory of supply and demand, demonstrate that minimum wage regulation has not only proven to be unsuccessful, but should be eliminated immediately. Although compulsory wage levels may be problematic in our contemporary labor market, the theory supporting a minimum wage dates back to over three centuries ago. The earliest evidence of a mandatory minimum wage could be found in New Zealand when in 1894 there was an effort to extinguish sweatshop labor. Also during this time, Australia made amendments to the Factories Act which created a wage price floor in six industries that were considered to have low paying wages. Although this amendment began as an experiment, within a few years additional amendments were created to expand minimum wage to over 150 different industries (2). It took until the early 1900’s for the minimum wage model to appear in the United States. In 1912, Massachusetts set up a commission not to demand minimum wages, but to recommend them – especially for women and children. Within eight years, 13 US states and Washington DC implemented their own compulsory minimum wage laws (3). Due to challenges from the Supreme Court during the Lochner Era – a time where the Supreme Court exercised its power to protect economic liberty and private contracts – it took until 1938 for federal minimum wage laws to manifest in the United States. Presented under the Fair Labor Standards Act under the scope of the Commerce Clause, the Supreme Court ruled that Congress had the power to regulate employment. As a result, the first ever federal minimum wage entered the market at 25 cents an hour (4). Today we have a federal minimum wage of $7.25/hour and even higher in some states like Washington where the minimum wage is over $9/hour. Aside from the role minimum wage laws play in our current market, they’ve also made prominent news headlines and been in the minds of many laborers as of recently. Many of these headlines reveal a desire by workers and politicians alike to raise the minimum wage. Organized protests by workers in the fast food industry have assembled in the streets of major cities to bring to attention not only their demand for a much higher minimum wage, but for union representation as well. Additionally politicians like Barack Obama and Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn have spoken publicly about their desire for an increased minimum wage. While the President has put pressure on Congress to legislate a $9/hour minimum wage, Mayor McGinn has expressed his support for a $15/hour minimum wage by his respective legislators (5). Aside from the strong political appeal that may encourage politicians to propose minimum wage increases, on the surface this type of legislation seems like a well-intentioned effort to raise the standard of living of people working for relatively low wages. This is not only because people naturally desire better things for themselves, but it also seems like a productive way to align wages with levels of inflation that the Federal Reserve is primarily responsible for (6). To make minimum wage theory even more confusing, there have been multiple studies on the issue only to garner completely opposite results. David Neumark, an economics professor at UCI and William Washer, an economist on the board of governors at the Federal Reserve wrote a descriptive 155 page monograph that elaborately detailed the negative effects that minimum wage laws created. Conversely, David Card an economics professor at UCB and Alan Krueger, a professor at Princeton University, published a highly renowned study that concluded minimum wage laws would only cause minimal job loss and in some instances could even raise employment levels (7). However, when studying economic phenomena mixed results are completely common due to the failure to meet the cetaris paribus condition, which stresses the concept of keeping variables constant. Not surprisingly, there were very few constant variables between these two studies. So rather than fill this essay with the observations of others, I plan to mainly use deductive reasoning to discuss the logical consistency of my argument. Because minimum wage laws are not only self-defeating but also make society poorer, it is in everyone’s best interest, especially those the law is intended to help, to abolish minimum wage laws immediately. In rudimentary economic studies, we learn about the affects supply and demand have on market clearing prices and that where supply meets demand is price equilibrium. We also learn that when prices are arbitrarily set above equilibrium, the result is a surplus. Wage labor is no different, and when analyzing this data, the surplus can be expressed as unemployment. These surpluses (unemployment) result when the productivity of a laborer is not high enough to warrant the new minimum wage. Now an economic burden to the company, the employer will have no choice but to terminate the employee(s) in order to remain profitable in their endeavors. Because these compulsory created economic burdens will generally be people already earning relatively lower wages, wage price floors actually hurt the people they are intended to help. Even if one was to claim that the terminations resulting in raising the minimum wage were offset by the new people making higher nominal wages, this person would be committing an arbitrary value judgment. Additionally, minimum wage laws have a dampening effect on inner city youth (8). After spending time in subpar public schooling, many underprivileged adolescents are forced to turn to the streets instead of taking a low paying position where he would be able to acquire skills on the job. Rather than gain working experience, he is more prone to a perpetual cycle of poverty and violence. When viewed from a more macro approach, there are even worse social ramifications. Unemployment is universally agreed upon as a bad thing. This is because the negative effects have no offsetting benefits, rather they are considered a dead loss. When unemployment levels rise, people tend to crave acts of protectionism, which is are strives to restrict the immigration process and limit imports from competing countries. Not only can these actions lead to retaliatory actions from other countries, but can also impede the influx of cheaper goods, which will directly hurt the unemployed (9). Not only will unemployment lower total national output, but it also creates a demand for costly federal and state services such as the unemployment program. Furthermore, the logic behind the minimum wage legislation seems to contain not only many dissenting opinions on what the nominal wage should be, but many faults in logic as well. Down to the cent, there are thousands of people who all support the minimum wage but at different amounts. Although most main stream public figures seem to restrain a wage price floor from exceeding $20/hour, wouldn’t consistent logic prevail for compulsory wages of at least $100/hour or even $1,000/hour? Clearly, this is absurd. Rather than having economists design the economy, evidence prevails that it would be better for people to decide respective wage levels on their own. While it may be true that â€Å"moderate†rises in the minimum wage may not lead to substantial changes in the rate of unemployment, this is exactly why these laws are self-defeating. This price floor only affects a small sect of the economy, making some of it unemployed. When laborers compete for a job, they have two tools. On one hand is productivity and ingenuity. On the other hand is the wage at wish they are willing to work for. If a relatively unproductive worker wants to compete with a highly productive worker, then he or she must naturally accept a lower wage. In doing this, the worker gains a form of payment through knowledge and information that can be taken with them throughout life. Denying this ind ividual the right to do so, with arbitrary government price floors, removes his or her ability to compete and to find employment. Not only will this disarm the very people the laws were intended to help, but it also blocks a person from a basic right to work at whatever wage he or she chooses to do so at. Through the use of deductive reasoning, it is quite clear that although well intentioned, minimum wage laws have created a disturbing effect on our contemporary labor market and have had negative effects on the people they were designed to help. It should come as no surprise then that the urban areas of our nation experience the highest levels of unemployment. Works Cited 1) â€Å"Employment Status of Displaced Workers : The Editor’s Desk : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.†U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1 Sept. 2013. Web. 21 Oct. 2013. 2) â€Å"History of the Minimum Wage.†Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 08 Feb. 2013. Web. 21 Oct. 2013. 3) â€Å"Minimum Wage in the United States.†Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 21 Oct. 2013. Web. 21 Oct. 2013. 4) â€Å"Lochner Era.†LII. Cornell University Law School, n.d. Web. 21 Oct. 2013. 5) Associated Press. â€Å"Seattle Mayor Would Support Minimum Wage above $15.†USA Today. Gannett, 9 Oct. 2013. Web. 21 Oct. 2013. 6) Casey, Chris. Killing the Currency. Ludwig Von Mises Institute, 27 May 203. Web. 21 Oct. 2013. 7) MacKenzie, D.W. â€Å"The Ludwig Von Mises Institute.†Minimum Wage Laws: Economics versus Ideology. N.p., 14 June 2007. Web. 21 Oct. 2013. 8) Caldwell, Roger. â€Å"Inner City Black Male Unemployment At 50 Percen t.†West Orlando News Online 2013 ® Central Florida News, Info, Sports. N.p., 15 Nov. 2009. Web. 21 Oct. 2013. 9) â€Å"The Cost Of Unemployment To The Economy.†Investopedia. N.p., 9 Aug. 2011. Web. 21 Oct. 2013.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on Buddha
Buddhism is a path of practice and spiritual development leading to insight into the true nature of life. Buddhist practices such as meditation are means of changing oneself in order to develop the qualities of awareness, kindness, and wisdom. Because Buddhism does not include the idea of worshipping a creator God, some people do not see it as a religion in the normal western sense. The basic Buddhist teachings are straightforward: nothing is fixed or permanent; actions have consequences; change is possible. This enables people to realize and utilize the teachings in order to transform their experience and be fully responsible for their lives and to develop the qualities of wisdom and compassion. There are different forms of Buddhism throughout different cultures, but all traditions are usually characterized by non-violence, lack of dogma, tolerance of differences, and by the practice of meditation. The word â€Å"Buddha†is a title, not a name. It means â€Å"one who is awake†. It was first given to a man who was born as Siddhartha Gautama in Nepal 2,500 years ago. Siddharta was born into the royal family of a small kingdom on the Indian-Nepalese border. According to the traditional story he had an understanding that life includes the harsh facts of old age, sickness, and death. After consistent meditation he sat down beneath a pipal tree and vowed that â€Å"flesh may wither, blood may dry up, but I shall not rise from this spot until Enlightenment has been won†. After forty days, the Buddha finally attained enlightenment. During the remaining 45 years of his life he traveled through much of northern India, spreading his teaching of the way to enlightenment. The teaching is known in the East as the Buddha-dharma: the teaching of the enlightened one. The Buddha was not a God and he made no claim to divinity, and Buddhists see him as a guide who can lead one to enlightenment. Buddhism sees life as a process of constant change, and its ... Free Essays on Buddha Free Essays on Buddha Charles Hallmark "Buddhism V. Newdism" Buddhism is unlike most other religions. The founder of it is not a god, a savior, but simply a man who walked among men and freed himself from attachment and suffering. "Buddha's" name was Guatama Sakyamuni and he is the founder of what its followers call the Dharma. The origins of Buddhism lye in Indian religion. The religion is supposed to embody the personal transcendence of a person's inner world. Guatama left behind his wife, son, and finely furbished home in Kapilavashtu to seek enlightenment. It was the sight of suffering that encouraged him and at the onset of his journey his day's sages that discouraged him. He became despaired by the sages and their doctrines. Then one night Guatama Sakyamuni (or Siddartha Gautama) put him under a trance at which point he discovered enlightenment and became Buddha. Presently, this faith continues to inspire, redirect, and focus members of society. Buddhism improves the livelihood of most people although "new Buddhists" values are disconcord with those of their faith. My purpose of writing this paper is two fold: to make a reasonable argument of the contribution Buddhism has made and the beliefs a person who truly follows the doctrine should have. Buddhists believe that Nirvana is the Supreme Reality or truth that liberates us from suffering. God is considered to me an ephemeral, limited concept that fades and coincides with the cycle of life and death. Nirvana is an end to the cycle of life and death and its very meaning cannot be put into words. The mundane earth, the world that we see, is entirely an illusion of suffering. The path of disillusionment is compassion for everything. The doctrine carries a set of four (4) noble truths and seven (7) steps on the path. The four noble truths consist of truth of suffering, origin of suffering, extinction of suffering, and the path that leads to the extinction of suffering. There... Free Essays on buddha Buddhism is a path of practice and spiritual development leading to insight into the true nature of life. Buddhist practices such as meditation are means of changing oneself in order to develop the qualities of awareness, kindness, and wisdom. Because Buddhism does not include the idea of worshipping a creator God, some people do not see it as a religion in the normal western sense. The basic Buddhist teachings are straightforward: nothing is fixed or permanent; actions have consequences; change is possible. This enables people to realize and utilize the teachings in order to transform their experience and be fully responsible for their lives and to develop the qualities of wisdom and compassion. There are different forms of Buddhism throughout different cultures, but all traditions are usually characterized by non-violence, lack of dogma, tolerance of differences, and by the practice of meditation. The word â€Å"Buddha†is a title, not a name. It means â€Å"one who is awake†. It was first given to a man who was born as Siddhartha Gautama in Nepal 2,500 years ago. Siddharta was born into the royal family of a small kingdom on the Indian-Nepalese border. According to the traditional story he had an understanding that life includes the harsh facts of old age, sickness, and death. After consistent meditation he sat down beneath a pipal tree and vowed that â€Å"flesh may wither, blood may dry up, but I shall not rise from this spot until Enlightenment has been won†. After forty days, the Buddha finally attained enlightenment. During the remaining 45 years of his life he traveled through much of northern India, spreading his teaching of the way to enlightenment. The teaching is known in the East as the Buddha-dharma: the teaching of the enlightened one. The Buddha was not a God and he made no claim to divinity, and Buddhists see him as a guide who can lead one to enlightenment. Buddhism sees life as a process of constant change, and its ... Free Essays on Buddha BIRTH In times long past, fully twenty-five hundred years ago, where are now the border-lands between Nepal and the northern parts of the provinces of Oudh and North Bihar, there were a number of little kingdoms inhabited by different races of people, each ruled over by its own Raja or King. One of these little kingdoms which lay some distance north of the present-day town of Gorakhpore, on the north side of the river Rapti, was the land of a race called the Sakyas, the king who ruled over them at that time being called Suddhodana. The family to which King Suddhodana of the Sakyas belonged was called the Gotama family, so that his full name was King Suddhodana Gotama; and the name of the chief city in his kingdom where he had his chief palace, was Kapilavatthu. This King Suddhodana had a chief queen whose name was Mahamaya. And after they had lived together for some time in married happiness, the Queen became aware that the day was drawing near when she should bring forth a child. So, before time came upon her, she asked her husband to give her leave to go and pay a visit to her own people who belonged to a city not very far away called Devadaha. King Suddhodana very willingly granted his chief Queen her wish, and sent out his men with orders to prepare the way for her, and do everything needed to make the journey to her father's house a pleasant and comfortable one for her. Now half way between Kapilavatthu and the town of Devadaha there was a very fine forest garden called Lumbini where the people of both places used to go in the hot weather to enjoy the cool shade of the great Sal trees of which there were many in the grove. Here in the month of May, these great trees were covered from top to bottom with lovely blossoms. In among their long branches flew many kinds of birds singing their sweetest songs so that the whole air was full of the sound of their warbling. And over and through the myriads of flowers, swarms of bee...
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