Sunday, March 29, 2020
ACA Ethical Standards free essay sample
The primary use of assessment tools is to aid educational, career and clinical counselors in determining personal, emotional, social traits and behaviors of their clients. For clinical counselors, these tools are supposed to help diagnose and evaluate psychological ailments so that proper treatment will be given by qualified practitioners (Hood Johnson, n.d.). About 20% of adult females suffer from chronic depression (Scott, 2008). This psychological condition is usually diagnosed through personality inventory assessment tools. Symptoms of this problem are recurring; sometimes patients appear and feel normal which could possibly yield conflicting results if the assessment instrument selected is not appropriate and performed by unqualified practitioner. Considering the sensitivity and criticality of this problem, it is important that only qualified, highly trained counselors select, perform, evaluate and interpret the appropriate assessment instruments particularly when dealing with female adult patients suffering from chronic depression (Scott, 2008). Thus the American Counseling Association and the United States government issued safety nets to assure ethical practices in the evaluation, assessment and interpretation of psychological assessment instruments to protect individuals subjected to these tests and assure that the use will promote the people’s well-being instead of creating more problems. We will write a custom essay sample on ACA Ethical Standards or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The ACA Ethical Standards has many significant implications on the assessment of individuals particularly on our subject clients, adult females suffering from chronic depression. It sets rules on the â€Å"competence to use and interpret assessment instruments†(ACA Ethical Standards Casebook, 2006, p. 104). Only those who have the appropriate training and qualifications are allowed to perform, evaluate and interpret results of assessment tools. Different assessment tools require different expertise. The Association issues accreditation certificates or licenses for every assessment instrument used. Along with this permission is the big responsibility laid on the counselor. Because like health and medical practitioners, people’s lives are at stake and misuse and malpractices may be disastrous. Another major rule is â€Å"informed consent in assessment†(ACA Ethical Standards Casebook, 2006, p. 105). How the counselor explains and makes the client consents and understands the procedures and results of the tests is very critical. It is important to consider the value of human rights, the right of every person to know what is being done to her. Those with clinical concerns like our subject clients with chronic depression need utmost care because improper ways and choice of words may aggravate the health condition of the patients. â€Å"Diagnosis of Mental Disorders†(ACA Ethical Standards Casebook, 2006, p. 106) is another important aspect that should be considered. It is not a simple black-and-white, reveal- what-is-written situation. In cases of mental disorders and other clinical cases, particularly in our subject patients, counselors do not immediately divulge results to clients. They should have the competence to assess the condition of the patient whether these patients will be able to handle knowing their true condition. It is therefore important that the counselor weigh the value of informing and method of informing. This decision is a big responsibility to the counselor. It is also important to consider multi-cultural diversity in the selection and implementation of tests. The ethical standards stress caution on â€Å"assessment techniques that were normed on population other than that of the client†(ACA Ethical Standards Casebook, 2006, p. 109). Counselors should be concerned on social and cultural exposures of their clients, and consider differences in age, gender, ethnic groups, religion and even economic status. The logic of the ACA Ethical Standards is valuing the client as a human being and the client as a unique individual. Therefore anybody tasked to administer psychological assessment instruments bears the heavy responsibility to protect the life as well as the rights of every individual subjected to these tests. Competency and professionalism of the counselor are crucial in the effectiveness of any psychological assessment instrument. References ACA Ethical Standards Casebook. (2006). American Counseling Association. Library of Congress. Herlihy, Barbara, Corey, Gerald. 6th Edition. Hood, Albert Richard Johnson, (n.d.). â€Å"Personality Inventories†Assessment in Counseling 4th Edition. American Counseling Association. Chapter 11. Scott, Glenn. (2008). â€Å"Symptoms of Chronic Depression†Amazines. Retrieved 14 January 2009 from
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Mobile Phone Expository Essay Example
Mobile Phone Expository Essay Example Mobile Phone Expository Essay Mobile Phone Expository Essay Essay Topic: Expository Mobile Phone – Friend or Foe? Mobile phones are a mixed blessing for many of us. While some of us may miss the days of going out in public without hearing phones ringing all around us, most people do not miss being stranded on the side of the road with no way to call for help. The allure of having a convenient way to communicate has resulted in an increase in mobile phone usage over the years. Mobile phones have given rise to new rules of etiquette, and even new laws that regulate their use. Concerns about public safety and mobile phones are often in the news, making some people wonder if mobile phones are a good idea. Should you buy a mobile phone, or continue to use one? One advantage of having a mobile phone is free long distance. One of the big reasons for the rise in mobile phone usage is that you can call anywhere in the country for the same price that you can call your next-door neighbour. This lack of long distance charges has led to many people getting mobile phones who ordinarily may not have been interested. Also, many people now use their mobile phones exclusively, after cancelling their home phone service. Having one less bill to pay is definitely a positive. However, mobile phone bills, let alone the cost of the phone itself, are very expensive. If you get a very basic mobile phone plan with only a few minutes allocated for calling time, you will not pay very much every month. However, if you are like most people, you may choose a plan with several hundred or even thousand minutes and will include extras, such as text messaging. These plans can run well more than 100 dollars per month, and may come with a one- or two-year contract, limiting your choices if a cheaper plan becomes available. Woe to those who go over their allotted minutes. Mobile phone bills can easily become 1,000 dollar nightmare. Having said this, mobile phones have other advantages too. With the popularity of mobile phones growing faster than ever, it is a lot easier to keep in contact with friends and family. Never before has it been easier to call your husband or wife on the way home from work and ask to pick up a litre of milk on the way home. Parents everywhere are enjoying the ability to call their child at midnight and find out why he or she isnt home yet. Worried people everywhere are able to gain a degree of reassurance because of the mobile phone. Some people are enjoying the GPS capabilities that some phones have, enabling them to track the location of their friends and family as they go about their daily lives. This makes it easier for people to know exactly where they are and who theyre with. As helpful as the mobile phone is to helping us to keep track of others, this unfortunately means that others can constantly keep track of us. A girlfriend might call her partner incessantly to check up on him. If limits are not quickly set, this behaviour can become a serious case of harassment. The GPS capability of mobile phones is also something that can be abused. It opens the door for controlling individuals to give full rein to their stalker tendencies. Sometimes its a good thing for people not to know exactly where you are at every moment. As irritating as this may be, mobile phones can be useful in other ways. Mobile phones can provide a degree of safety that previous generations only dreamed of. These days, you can go anywhere in the world with a mobile phone, and with the proper service, be able to notify someone if you are in trouble, even if you are on top of a mountain in Nepal. Most people arent mountain climbers, but cars do break down and when they do, its nice to have a mobile phone to call the mechanic. Mobile phones also come in handy when you are meeting someone for the first time. If you feel threatened in any way, you have an emergency number right there in your hand. The GPS capability that some mobile phones possess also has enabled trackers to find people who have become lost. However, in order for this service to be active, the application must be activated. Mobile phones can help us in many different ways, but they do also contain serious safety concerns. People like to carry their mobile phones with them in the car in case of emergency, but they also like to have them in case they get a call they dont want to miss. Many accidents have been caused by people talking on mobile phones while driving. So many, in fact, that legislation has been passed prohibiting conversation on mobile phones while driving in Australia. Another safety concern is that mobile phones could increase the risk of brain tumours or other diseases. Studies have shown that radiation given off by mobile phones can damage cells, leaving cells susceptible to cancers and tumours. While mobile phones can be annoying, expensive and sometimes hazardous, they can also be very helpful, whether it be helping us to communicate with family and friends, to help us feel safe or immediately know the whereabouts of a loved one. Mobile phones are seen as a must have accessory to some, while others believe they are completely unnecessary. Whatever the case, mobile phones have their pros and cons. It’s up to you to decide who outweighs who. By Jeff Burr
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