Thursday, September 3, 2020
Social and Cultural Factors Affecting Early Year's Education Provision Essay
Social and Cultural Factors Affecting Early Year's Education Provision in UK - Essay Example Practically speaking, United Kingdom’s training framework has a comprehensive reason. Joined Kingdom’s instruction educational program expresses that training is a regular procedure wherein the general public deliberately channels its amassed smoothness, abilities, information, qualities and customs from one contemporary to the next. Instruction is one of the central units for an individual’s advancement and immiseration decrease. For the youngster to adapt adequately, there are different elements that should be gauged and assessed (Hodgeson and Spours, 2008, p. 12). Kids encompassed by a solid learning condition that is strong and enlightening enhance their instructive improvement. While thinking about the job of training and the ideal objective and the outcome, it is important to see where the current instruction framework stands and the impacts that have affected upon it (Hodgeson and Spours, 2008, p. 20). Understudies presented to oppressed, and poor instruct ive encompassing are at a high risk of a negative learning impact. Joined Kingdom has unmistakable metropolitan precincts. Every ward has an alternate social set up. This paper will concentrate on Barking and Dagenham district. The way that youngsters are especially helpless makes youth training achievement an unpleasant and intense experience. This is on the grounds that there are social, social and financial elements that influence the arrangement of youth instruction. ... In adjusting to the earth, the kid absorbs and obliges the new encounters inside her or himself. Social components are the components inside the general public or social condition (Pugh and Duffy, 2006, p. 25). These components incorporate family, area, political framework, versatility rate and the child’s relations. Yelping and Dagenham ward has a high number of instructive organizations and a high number of educated and well-off grown-ups. It is one of the most creating metropolitan districts in the locale. Yelping and Dagenham district comprises of rich families and educated grown-ups. A family is a social unit where related individuals live respectively. It can either influence early year’s instruction of a kid emphatically or adversely (Pugh and Duffy, 2006, p. 30). Moderately, a parent’s instruction will influence the child’s training. A prosperous parent has a high thought for instruction and sets scholarly objectives for the kid. The informed paren t has a higher access to instructive assets for the kid. A youngster with both of the guardians as a specialist or a designer is spurred to achieve an advanced education level than the parent (Pugh and Duffy, 2006, p. 38). A people group with instructed and learned guardians, for example, Barking and Dagenham people group will have a more popularity for training. From this reality, we can reason that the parent's degree of training in Barking and Dagenham decides a child’s early instruction arrangement in a given society or network. The family condition influences a child’s training (Pugh and Duffy, 2006, p. 45). From different investigations directed by the not-revenue driven associations over all the precincts, the majority of families are tranquil, and instances of family savagery are insignificant. A tranquil
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Difference Between British And South African English Language Essay
Contrast Between British And South African English Language Essay Presentation: I intend to build up provincial highlights significance upon the English language. This will happen through distinguishing how regional highlights are brought into discourse, huge contrasts between British English and South African English, just as the potential contrasts in use of tongue into language. I plan to distinguish unmistakable provincial highlights in conventional, everyday discourse, which are diverse to English speakers. An examination of British English and South African English will empower contrasts to be appeared. Inside the discourse, factors will influence the language decision, not generally regional factors. These factors incorporate age (grown-ups and Children in the discussion), area of the speakers (where theyre from and area which they as of now dwell) just as the level of class which the speakers are from. I will center upon South Africans (English talking not Afrikaans-the Lingua Franca), the guineas pigs are from the Cape Town region in South-west South Africa. In this manner, the South African guineas pigs ought to have numerous likenesses to the British communicating in English guineas pigs. As a result, I expect the principle contrast between the two arrangements of guineas pigs to be lexical because of them being English talking. Exploration: Tongue separates language, recognizing area, class and other social limits. The South African language is like the English language, a cosmopolitan, half breed language, with lexis being drawn from numerous different dialects and societies. Formally there are 11 dialects taking care of into South African [1] from Dutch Afrikaans to English, giving provincial words, for example, the Afrikaaner word Braai for grill. Usually these words interlink into various dialects with the significance reflected in the received language, for example, Dutch to Afrikaans lexis. This is clear through words like Biltong (Afrikaans) and aardvark (Afrikaans) moving to the English language. English is viewed as a Lingua Franca in South Africa, not really the prevailing language communicated in language, yet rather a language which is a reinforcement language which is constantly spoken in settings where fitting, for instance, English is the global business language, along these lines most of business is directed in English. As an outcome Afrikaans speakers utilize English; the most widely used language use in Afrikaans-medium secondary schools in Pretoria detailed that they frequently utilized English words when expressing Afrikaans [2]. Consequently indicating the English dialects strength because of the capacity to move into various dialects. In this way, itll be intriguing to check whether the South African language of 11 unique dialects and particular tongues moves into the English language as observed with the exchange of French lexis, for example, Entrepreneur, quit or Cafe. Vernaculars structure through alteration of standard of English, changing because of impacts and circumstances. They are a type of articulation, checking independence or having a place with a gathering for example social gathering, for example, level of class (Gentry, center or working). As Peter Trudgill deciphers vernaculars take into account acknowledgment of region of growing up or current living arrangement Other individuals will utilize this data to enable them to choose where we are from㠢â‚ ¬Ã¢ ¦ [3]. This examination expects to recognize the distinctions of lexical varieties, linguistic contrasts, ways to deal with discourse, length of expressions, and utilization of untouchable and non-familiarity highlights. Information Analysis: The discourse is begun by proclamations (decisive) and questions (inquisitive sentence temperament), for instance line one of the South African transcript Kieron (.) supper time. The utilization of these sentence states of mind is the run of the mill, standard of presentation for discussion. Besides the two transcripts include turn-yielding signals toward the finish of around half of sentences, prompting the arrangement of nearness sets. Subsequently, theres no contrast among English and Southern African English discussions over on how theyre presented or finished proposing this technique is the norm, not satisfying any points of building up colloquial contrasts. The fundamental contrast between the tongues of Southern Africa and an English Dialect is a high lexical variety. An unmistakable model is the word robots utilized in Western South Africa to mean Traffic lights. This shows the utilization of various lexis to apply a similar importance as likewise observed through the descriptive word Lekker to mean great or decent. While the transcript demonstrates the English lingo to utilize +degree verb modifiers increasing the descriptor the food is scorched instead of the Southern African these crunchies are lekker. The South African lexis doesnt depend upon intensifiers rather having more grounded provincial words to replace two words, while the word Crunchies is a bit of South African lexis for Flapjack. Things have been utilized with articulations for both English discourse and South African discourse. Formal people, places or things for both English and South African havent included the intonation of s except for General engines' which said independently all alone. Be that as it may, basic things are changed in both English and in Southern African. Solid things, for example, Takkies or Pants both element the expression of s, yet solid things like Lappie havent highlighted an intonation. This element of communicated in language is reflected in the English transcript with solid things, for example, apples wafers. This shows no distinction between the South African and British English tongue in the utilization of articulations, not assisting with settling the language examination. Descriptors dont will in general have expressions, for example, additions added to them in either vernaculars. The two tongues need additions, for example, - en to give descriptive words a territorial placer, assisting with deciding the zone or social class from which the guineas pigs are in or live from. The South African transcript utilizes modifiers, for example, slow pre-adjusting things like any ordinary utilization of descriptors. Though, the English transcript additionally applies descriptive words use; for example well incredibly modest. This shows there is close to nothing if no contrast between employments of descriptive words between these two distinct tongues, recommending it again to be the norm. As a result neither negating nor demonstrating a recognizable contrast between the lingos. Though, verb modifiers are additionally comparative with no genuine observable distinction between the two unique lingos. Neither tongues as examined before appear to utilize postfixes onto the modifiers for example gradually. Qualifiers have been utilized in the two tongues as deciphered demonstrating the intensifiers to heighten or depict way, spot or time, as observed by strangely modest. As observed previously, this doesnt recognize regional contrasts, which means the points satisfied. In any case, there is a distinction in pronoun structure between the two transcripts and vernaculars. The English lingo transcript centers upon object individual pronouns for example I didnt know this, though the South African transcript mostly utilizes subject individual pronouns (I) (we). Nonetheless, this may not be a regional distinction due to being in various conditions with them both being on various points due to not being scripted. Subsequently it neither affirms nor discredits provincial contrasts in discourse. The South African transcripts shows dynamic action words utilized with past tense affectations of - ed just as current state emphases of - e: I slacked Whereas the English transcript additionally shows the utilization of dynamic action words, yet just in the past tense. Like the South African Dynamic action words, it depicts the activity having just happened. In any case, neither of these affectations are lingo explicit, for example, an Eastern English tongue of he walk. Thusly, this doesnt help to recognize provincial highlights in communicated in language. The articulation length is higher in the English transcript on normal when contrasted with the South African, proposing lingo may influence length of expression. Be that as it may, there are more speakers (5) when contrasted with (4) inside the South African talk; consequently almost certainly, every speaker will have a shorter length of discourse because of some type of interference by another speaker. As an outcome, this insights that expression length might be a colloquial component; anyway it is bound to have been profoundly affected by the measure of speakers. In this way not so much being a valuable bit of information. The transcripts have recorded various highlights of non-familiarity signifiers, indicating that vernacular may cause diverse non-familiarity highlights. The South African transcript takes note of the high utilization of fillers and different pieces of unscripted discourse, for example, facework like the facilitive label question youre exquisite (.) arent you. voice filled delays happen where the speaker reacts, yet doesnt give an exceptionally clear answer. While the British English transcript shows a significant high utilization of bogus beginnings and reusing in discourse dissimilar to the South African transcript. This obviously shows the two lingos have certain non-familiarity highlights; anyway they shift and may simply be somewhat tongue explicit. It is evident the principle contrast between these transcripts and tongues is lexical variety. This isn't generally astounding because of the South African guineas pigs being English spoken. English South Africa is enormously affected by western media for example American TV programs. The main genuine approach to explain these discoveries of lingo not being immensely unique between British English and western South African is to attempt a lot more tests to check whether there is dependability in the outcomes or on the off chance that it shows a more extensive topic in that capacity. CUT = This end is rehashed using negatives, where neither one of the dialects show strange utilization of negatives, consequently not giving a recognizable distinction, which means no reasonable end can be drawn from these outcomes.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Genetic and Environmental Influences on Victims, Bullies and Bully-Vict
Theoretical Framework Numerous individuals have various perspectives on what they figure harassing may be. It is frequently deciphered in various manners by various individuals. Rigby et al (2002) refered to a meaning of tormenting as ‘an purposeful mischief where the force is differential between the harasser and the victim’ (p.1). This implied the harassers are probably going to experience the ill effects of a scope of issues than the youngsters who are uninvolved. The researcher’s principle supposition that is to consider exploitation and harassing independently and also to consider exploitation and tormenting all the while to inspect the hereditary qualities and ecological effects on the covariation between the two. The paper centers around three gatherings of kids that are associated with harassing. The three gatherings are as per the following: one being the person in question, two being the harassers and third one being the domineering jerk casualties who are both the harassers and the survivors of tormenting. As per Egan and Perry, (1998) they accept that the domineering jerks and casualties have an expansion in enthusiastic and social issues than the kids who are not engaged with harassing. One of this issue being is low self see where as Hawker et al (2006) expressed the issues are uneasiness and discouragement where as Schwartz (2000) expressed that the tormenting casualties are increasingly discouraged and on edge and have higher paces of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and are bound to be alluded for mental consideration and furthermore are bound to be dismissed by a school (Kempulainen et al 1998) contrasted with the kids who are uninvolved in harassing, the people in q uestion or menaces. Peddler and Egan et al both have comparable perspectives as the two of them expressed that the tormenting casualties are discouraged and on edge. Different examinations have been vehicle... ...ousehold pay. By and large it has been demonstrated that tormenting was affected by hereditary components and to a little degree by non shared natural elements. Patterson et al (1992) proposed that socialization through child rearing and friends (Harris, 1998) add to share and non-shared ecological effects on forceful conduct. The connection among's exploitation and tormenting demonstrated that less kids are the domineering jerk casualties while more are ‘pure’ casualties or ‘pure’ menaces. This affirms prior research that has been completed has discovered a comparative connection among's exploitation and hostility (Hodges and Perry, (1999); Crick and Bigbee, (1998). The connection was viewed as high in young ladies as in young men between the exploitation and harassing. This infers the odds of being a domineering jerk given to that one casualty are similarly as high for young ladies concerning young men.
Inter-racial Face Recognition Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Between racial Face Recognition - Research Paper Example The members were informed toward the start of the test, and were questioned after the analysis. Remembering that the issue of between racial recognizable proof could be touchy (for example members may feel awkward in the event that they neglect to perceive a portion of the countenances) the members were advised about the opportunities for them to pull back their information at whatever point they wish, and furthermore that, on the off chance that they wish, their outcomes can be expelled from the ultimate result information of the investigation. Table 1 shows that the Caucasian race is delayed in face acknowledgment than the Black race. This implies the Caucasians have a few challenges in perceiving countenances of each individual they met in their life. This likewise suggests the Caucasian have a few issues in acquaintance. Table 2 shows the Black Recognition time (second and tallies) Black officially dressed (nonpartisan countenances) have figured F estimation of 206.640, and the white Recognition time (second and checks) Black officially dressed (impartial appearances) have processed estimation of 52.414 and the plain estimation of F insights 247. This implies we acknowledge Ho on the grounds that the registered estimation of F insights is not as much as its classified worth. This additionally implies white people are more touchy to Cross-racial hindrance than Black people. This suggests white people may have visual issues associated with the cones of the eyes which are answerable for fine detail location and shading acknowledgment. Addendums Relapse of Black Recognition Factors Entered/Removed(b) Model Factors
Friday, August 21, 2020
Product Liability Essay -- essays research papers fc
In this time of unlimited claims and case from everybody suing every other person, one must pose the inquiry â€Å"where does item risk end and customer obligation begin?†This inquiry has been additionally convoluted by events that stretch to the most sweeping parts of the bargains, the range going from severe item obligation of the organization to finish shopper duty. On the severe item risk of the organization side, we have the cigarette business where the CEOs of the biggest cigarette organizations denied that their item was subject for the reason for dependence. Practically all shoppers realize that the fixing nicotine in cigarettes is addictive, because of broad logical testing and reports on this reality. What these CEO’s ought to have done was concede that they realized nicotine was addictive, and subsequently made their item at risk in order to give a reasonable admonition to unconscious buyers. On the total buyer duty side, we can look at the claim where a man sued McDonald’s for over a million dollars since he spilled some their espresso on his self and endured copies. He guaranteed that McDonald’s was subject in light of the fact that there was not an admonition on the top that expressed that the espresso was hot. As I would like to think, this claim ought to have never occurred. The shopper is endeavoring to mitigate the entirety of the obligation from himself for spilling his espresso and give it to the maker of the item. Silly claims, for example, this, just as organizations neglecting to think about the significance of item obligation, have brought about an expanding yearly item risk bill. A year ago alone $4 billion was spent on item obligation claims and settlements (McAdams, p.636). This stunning number recommends that perhaps we have to change our obligation framework. In a perfect world, we as a general public might want to arrive at a fair compromise between exacting item obligation of the organization and compl ete buyer duty. In the event that this happened, claims, for example, this would no longer deplete our legitimate frameworks on the grounds that a comprehension would exist that the obligation rests similarly in both parties’ hands. In any case, that is perfect, which once in a while ever happens in reality. In reality, tradeoffs must be made so as to arrive at balance. These tradeoffs between exacting item obligation and purchaser duty will be examined considering the situati... ...g to act, yet only a little presence of mind should reveal to you that discharging a film with the substance, for example, Boyz N the Hood and just concentrating on its negative topics will send an inappropriate message, particularly in metro territories where wrongdoings and groups are common.      In a perfect world, customers and organizations would similarly share the weights of item risk and purchaser obligation. Be that as it may, in reality, we should make tradeoffs between these two. How we do this won't just influence our lawful condition, yet our monetary and social situations also. Works Cited Unknown, Industrial Distribution, New York, April 2000, Volume 89, issue 4, p.36. Brostoff, Steven, National Underwriter, Chicago, September 2000, volume 104, issue 38,  â â â â p.2 Eckert, Stephen, Marketing News, Chicago, April 2000, Volume 34, issue 9, p. 49. Giliberti, Frank, Marketing Management, Chicago, Winter 1999, Volume 8, issue 4, pp. 53-54. Lamnetti, David, The Business Lawyer, Chicago, February 2000, Volume 55, issue 2, p. 799. McAdams, Tony, Law, Business, and Society, Irwin/McGraw-Hill, New York, 2001, 6th Edition, p. 636.
Monday, August 17, 2020
Teaching at MIT
Teaching at MIT As my second semester at the Institute draws to a close, Ive been reflecting on how Ive spent my time outside of class. Of the various activities I have tried here at MIT, teaching has stood out because of how it has consistently inspired me and given me a sense of fulfillment. Teaching is an exercise in both design and effective communication. I love solving the problems associated with creating a curriculum and breaking down complex concepts into clear explanations. I knew I enjoyed teaching before I came to MIT, but I had few opportunities to formally pursue it. This semester, I took advantage of three types of formal teaching opportunities. Each opportunity was different from the others in how many hours I spent teaching, the actual tasks I carried out, what I learned from doing it, and how I was compensated. Ive put all the details below! [1] CodeIt [program description] MIT CodeIt is an outreach program which aims to introduce middle-school girls and nonbinary students to computer science using Scratch and Python programming. This is one of many outreach programs at MIT.01 Some of MITs other outreach programs include BoSTEM (a summer STEM program for underrepresented minorities), dynaMIT (a summer STEM program for low-income students), and Leadership Training Institute (a semester-long weekend program aiming to teach leadership to high schoolers). Like CodeIt, students who serve as mentors for these programs are volunteers and work directly with students. [total time commitment] 40 hours (5 hours on Saturday, for 8 weeks)[tasks] Scratch is a visual programming language (and it was actually developed here at the MIT Media Lab). Although many people wouldnt call it a real programming language, Scratch was an invaluable stepping stone in my journey to pursuing computer science. I first learned to use Scratch in high school in order to compete in a Science Olympiad event called Game On. I quickly fell in love with it and used it to make a lot of silly games and procedurally generated animations. These experiences gave me a foundation on which I pursued more advanced coding. Throughout the semester, my goal was to help my students experience the same feelings of inspiration and confidence I felt through using Scratch, from which they could pursue bigger things. I helped my students work through several code labs and eventually develop their own final projects. I also guided them through fun engineering challenges we did during breaks. Watc hing my students grow into young computer scientists was absolutely amazing![what i learned] Im getting (a little bit) old. There were many instances where I found myself unaware or less excited by the music, trends, and public figures that my students liked. Maybe I shouldnt have been surprised when I was occasionally out of the loop (there is a six year difference between my students and I, after all), but it was nevertheless a reminder that Im a college student now. I also learned to adapt my teaching style rapidly to a lot of different types of students. Some students struggled more than others, and I had to learn how to keep them motivated without frustrating them but also without giving them the solution to their bugs.[compensation] I enjoyed a free breakfast and lunch each Saturday. I also had the opportunity to tour Googles Cambridge office with my students. [2] Stretching, Anatomy, and Chill Vibes (Spark) [program description] This one-hour class was taught as part of Spark, an annual weekend event organized by MITs Educational Studies Program (ESP) in which 7th and 8th graders come to MIT to take a variety of classes taught my MIT students and alumni. It is one of many programs organized by ESP.02 In addition to Spark, ESP organizes programs such as Splash (a weekend event for high schoolers), HSSP (a semester-long set of weekend classes for middle and high school students), and Cascade (a five-weekend set of classes for high school students). [total time commitment] 1 hour[tasks] My co-teacher (Janice T. 22) and I made a powerpoint on stretching and human anatomy. We also made a very chill Spotify playlist. With a background of lofi hip hop, Janice and I taught our students several different stretches and some of the human anatomy underlying the moves we were doing. In particular, we discussed spinal anatomy, different groups of core and leg muscles, and the concepts of ligaments and tendons. Our goal was to provide our students with a period of relaxation in their otherwise action-packed days. We asked them at the end to reflect on the feelings they experienced because of Spark. [what i learned] It is harder than I thought to make middle-schoolers quiet down, especially when theyre naturally boisterous and excited to be away from their parents. Since our class was scheduled towards the end of the weekend, we had expected our students to be a bit tired. A few of them had loads of energy and would have had a better time ru nning around outside than chilling on yoga mats indoors. Regardless, it was cool to review a lot of the anatomy I had previously learned in high school for Science Olympiad, and relate that knowledge to the stretches I do with my workouts. [compensation] I got free lunch and a t-shirt! ^_^ [3] Lab Assistant [program description] For many programming classes here at MIT, there are Lab Assistants (referred to as LAs) who assist students at office hours. I worked as an LA for two half-semester courses, 6.0001 (Introduction to Computer Science and Programming in Python?) and 6.0002 (Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science). At the start of freshman year, I took an Advanced Standing Exam to receive credit for 6.0001 and then actually took 6.0002 in the second half of my freshman fall semester. I loved the class, applied to be an LA for the next semester, and landed the job.[total time commitment] 120 hours (10 hours a week, for 12 weeks)[tasks] I served as a resource for students during office hours. Students could come in to ask about lecture concepts and get help debugging their code. I also helped grade students by giving check-offs in which Id ask students conceptual and coding questions relevant to a given weeks problem set.[what i learned] I gained a much deeper underst anding of all the concepts I had learned in 6.0002; when I needed to explain a concept to my students, I had to truly understand it beyond the level needed to just complete the problem sets. I also became much, much faster at debugging. I could spot syntax errors quickly and became more effective in my approach to checking for possible sources of bugs. This benefitted me in a class I was taking (6.009, Fundamentals of Programming) which I hope to LA in the future. [compensation] I was paid the standard rate for a Lab Assistant in Course 6, which is $17.00 per hour. All in all, after spending the majority of my nights and weekends teaching, Im able to say that it has been one of my favorite experiences here. I didnt expect teaching to be such a popular activity in college, but every semester hundreds of students take advantage of teaching opportunities here to make an impact on their peers and the Boston community. I hope to continue teaching in events like Spark, mentoring through outreach programs, and working roles like LA/TA in courses I enjoy. Post Tagged #6.0001 #6.0002 #CodeIt #MIT ESP (Educational Studies Program) #Spark #teaching Some of MIT's other outreach programs include BoSTEM (a summer STEM program for underrepresented minorities), dynaMIT (a summer STEM program for low-income students), and Leadership Training Institute (a semester-long weekend program aiming to teach leadership to high schoolers). Like CodeIt, students who serve as mentors for these programs are volunteers and work directly with students. back to text ? In addition to Spark, ESP organizes programs such as Splash (a weekend event for high schoolers), HSSP (a semester-long set of weekend classes for middle and high school students), and Cascade (a five-weekend set of classes for high school students). back to text ?
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Divorce and Separation Essay - 1375 Words
Divorce and Separation (Other (Not Listed) Sample) Content: Divorce and SeparationStudentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s NameInstitutionDivorce and SeparationFrank, H. P. D. (January 01, 2008). The Influence of Divorce on the Relationship Between Adult Parent-Child and Adult Sibling Relationships.ÂJournal of Divorce Remarriage,Â48,Â21-32. In the article, Frank emphasis on the family unit interconnections in post-divorce family. The article was a follow up investigation of a previous study striving to explore the interconnection between parent and child relationships with relatively little focus on the child-sibling relations. The study examined approximately 206 college students from both intact and divorced families. The investigation reflected in the article was reliable although it is essential to understand that the subjects examined were student seeking university health clinic support. As a consequence, a person might argue that the sample represents a more dysfunctional family rather than a typical student. The author reveal s that the relationship between siblings was consistent with that of the parent of the same sex. Furthermore, Frank found that mothersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ aggression not only affected their relationship, but also supported the relationship with the father. The author support all the arguments statement throughout the article thus enhance the reliability of the article. The article provides a family viewpoint in a post-divorce situation revealing how the parents-child relationship affects the unity of the entire family. The article is informative because it provides supporting evidences throughout the paper. Furthermore, the article also embodies all essential qualities of a scholarly article.Huurre, T., Junkkari, H., Aro, H. (January 01, 2006). Long-term psychosocial effects of parental divorce: a follow-up study from adolescence to adulthood.ÂEuropean Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience,Â256,Â4, 256-63. In this article, the authors focused on understanding how the children are affected by divorce in a family. The authors strived to identify the long term outcome of divorce on the psychological well-being, health behavior, life situation and social networks and support on the children. Furthermore, the research focused on revealing the correlation between divorce and interpersonal problem and life events among the adolescent children, and whether such outcomes are gender related. In the investigation, the authors incorporated 317 subjects from divorced families who were compared to 1069 subjects derived from intact families. The article reliability is unquestionable since the authors have a PhDs backgrounds and work in alcohol and mental research institutes. Furthermore, the authors have continuously compared their study with previous work conducted in the field, thus revealing a significance coherence with previous research studies. The article further shows that divorce it is not a single event, but rather a multi-staged event that gradua lly transform family relationships. The article conquers with other many research findings conducted by renowned authors such as Frank, Wolchik, and Tein among others. The article is very useful to the family counselors since it provides information that correlates with their area of specialization. The article is educative and informative.Top of FormPortnoy, S. M. (January 01, 2007). The Psychology of Divorce: A Lawyer's Primer, Part 2: The Effects of Divorce on Children.ÂAmerican Journal of Family Law,Â21,Â4, 126-134. In the article, Portnoy explore the influence of divorce on the welfare of the children. It also explores the effects of violence between parents on the childrenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s mental development. The article reveals that high levels of conflict in marriage that leads to divorce affects the both parental relationship with the children and their psychological well-being. According to the Author, it is not the actual divorce event that result to psychologica l problems to the children but rather the process of adjustment. This implies that divorce should be viewed as a multi-stage process with consequences that emerges gradually. The author explores the issue through an in-depth analysis of all parts that forms the divorce puzzle. The article is very useful because it answers the underlying question how the divorce influences or affects one's psychological well-being. It is apparent that the children of the divorced expresses such reactions that spawn from both parental conflict and divorce. The article set a pace that is congruent with other existing works the field of family studies, works of scholars such as Lewis and Wallerstein, who both agree that parent-child relationship and the overall wellbeing of the children are significantly influenced by the levels of the parental conflicts and ultimate divorce.Sandler, I., Miles, J., Cookston, J., Braver, S. (April 01, 2008). Effects of Father and Mother Parenting on Children's Mental H ealth in High- And Low-Conflict Divorces.ÂFamily Court Review,Â46,Â2, 282-296. This article focuses on analyzing and studying the externalizing and internalizing problems facing the children in the post-divorces circumstances. The study was a part of an intervention project for the fathers undergone the divorcing process where the primary data was corrected from approximately 182 families. The investigation stress on a number of factors that exert stress on the children and comprises of parental conflict, quality of parenting and parent-child relations. The author argues that when both mother and father-child relationship are positive and supportive the children become protected from both externalizing and internalizing problems. Furthermore, such support ensures that when one parental relationship is low, the other still serves as a buffer thus significantly reduces the possibility such problems on the children. Furthermore, the author notes that children without warm parental relationship experience high internalizing problems during marital violence. The article is very reliable because both author hold vast experiences and possess doctoral level of education. Furthermore, arguments in the article are well articulated throughout the paper. Furthermore, the authorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s ideas on the father-child relationship significantly correlates with the work of other scholars thus making a significant contribution in the field of family studies. The scholarly article acts as a baseline for further research in the field.Schindler, H. S., Coley, R. L. (January 01, 2012). Predicting marital separation: do parent-child relationships matter?.ÂJournal of Family Psychology: Jfp: Journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (division 43), 26,Â...
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Reflection Paper On Reflection Of Me - 834 Words
The Reflection of Me As look back on this class, I have realized just how much my writing has improved since the beginning of the quarter and the first big assignment. I kind of went from being a writer that really didn’t understand how to correctly write a good essay. To a person who also went from being a writer that was not very confident in her work and one who over thought everything into a person who kind of found her own kind of writing style. Who can quickly and effectively write an essay( also including revision as well ).This portfolio was made so that I can show off what i have learned from this class, and show off just how much I have improved as a writer.The work that I’m going to be showing, is work that I have made some†¦show more content†¦However there are also things that I realized works well for me in my writing. Unlike what I thought in the beginning of the quarter, I write much better when I make a general outline and write out the paper without correcting myself as I go. Which is a really good thing to do because each essay that is in the portfolio, are all different type of essay with different components that you are suppose to be included in the essay. For an Example, first essay I did was â€Å"Explanatory synthesis essay,which was over Obedience and its role in our society. This is essay is called,†Understanding Obedience role in society†(Essay 1).We had to identify relationships among sources so that readers can gain better understanding of key terminologies,philosophies and ideologies for a specific topic.Which should include a clearly stated thesis and follow an organizational structure discussed in class. I started my thesis by saying,†Today’s community of people allow authority to decide where all rules and order are followed through things like social pressure,acts of violence, and unfair application of laws, which turns people toward not obeying rules†(â€Å"Introduction†).However, my instructor suggested to add specific details to grab the readers attention,also that my thesis was good but I needed to clarify my thesis. SoShow MoreRelatedReflection Paper On The Formal Writing Assignments983 Words  | 4 Pages Before this class, I was terrified of writing papers. In high school we did not write that much and when we did, we were expected to know how to do it. My teachers never went into as much depth and detail as we did in this class. Writing in general was one of my biggest challenges coming into this class. In class we had to write reflections about ourselves and our week in class. I would always struggle with these because I would never know what to write about or how to start it. 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Reflection offers you the opportunity to consider how your personal experiences and observations shape your thinking and your acceptance of new ideas. Professors often ask students to write reading reflections. They do this to encourage you to explore your own ideas about a text, to express your opinion rather than summarise the opinions of others. Reflective writing can help you to improve your analytical skills because it requiresRead MoreReflection: Surgery and Reflective Practice1110 Words  | 5 Pagesconsidered and reflection upon experience to examine what you would do if the situation arose again (Gibbs 1998). Unlike many other models (with the exception of Boud) Gibbs model takes in to account the realm of feelings and emotions, which played a part in a particular event. My rationale for using the reflection framework to the clinical encounter is to try and demonstrate my ability to link theory to practice during the process of reflection. I also choose the Gibbs model to help me structure thisRead MoreA Research Project On Abortion And Gay Marriage937 Words  | 4 PagesOur research project, project was given to us two weeks from the day it was to be turned in, 27th of July to research a scholarly paper with steps; abstract, annotative bibliography, and reflection. In taking the first step in doing the research, our professor created ways to inspire us to come up with a scholarly topi c. The way we came up with our topic was that we made a word web with the main subject, usually being wide-range. Then from there we extended that subject into subcategories that we
Monday, May 18, 2020
An Analysis Of Helen Keller And Woodrow Wilson - 4117 Words
William Kotlinski APUSH Mr. Jacobs Lies My Teachers Told Me Summaries and Reflection Chapter One Throughout history, people have been made into heroes. These heroes are portrayed as perfect or without mistakes. Helen Keller and Woodrow Wilson are two of the heroes who are discussed in the chapter. Helen Keller is famous for being the deaf-blind girl who learned how to read, write, and speak; but not much is known by the public about her political views. Loewen states, â€Å"Through research she learned that blindness was not distributed randomly through the population but was concentrated in the lower class,†(pg. 14). Men would become blind in work accidents, while women would become blind from syphilis, by working as a prostitute. In her later years, Helen Keller raised funds for the American Foundation for the Blind. But, Helen Keller was also a radical Socialist and supported Eugene V. Debs as he tried to become President, a fact that would construe Helen poorly, if the fact was widely known, and not as the hero many Americans and people around the world see her as to day. The 28th President of the United States, Woodrow Wilson, is shown positively in textbooks, but there are parts of his life that aren’t covered. Loewen writes, â€Å"Under Wilson, the United States intervened in Latin America more often than at any other time in our history,†(pg. 16). Wilson is seen in textbooks to remove his troops, but not sending them in, quiteShow MoreRelatedHistory Is Almost Always Written By The Winners1393 Words  | 6 Pagesdetailed his writings that are intended to elicit a thought-provoking question- is our curriculum geared toward immortalizing the great achievements of our nation while keeping the dark, checkered deeds hidden? That is the purpose of his dogma, and this analysis we will uncover what exactly happened that prompted Loewen to release such an argumentative book, as well as weather or not he is right. We will begin by analysing why Lowen wrote this book. From what has been detailed in the introduction, LoewenRead MoreEssay on A Critical Analysis of Lies My Teacher Told Me1014 Words  | 5 PagesA Critical Analysis of:Lies My Teacher Told Me It would be better not to know so many things than to know so many things which are not so. -FELIX OKOYE Out of all forms of literature currently known to man, educational textbooks are arguably the least interesting. On top of being incredibly boring, textbooks, especially American history ones, neglect to include the entirety of the information that it should. Because American history textbooks wish only to paint
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Case Of Marriott International - 1379 Words
In the case of Marriott it started evaluating using a controlled group of customers up to the stage of acquiring an enterprise tool known as One Yield to automate business processes and make better decision [12]. Lastly analytics takes a devoted group of people and infrastructure, according to Davenport the â€Å"most successful analytical competitors take an enterprise approach to analytics†[7] In the last 20 years Marriot has adopted a drudgery incursion into its revenue management, the reason is simple if a hotel still maintain profit and charge customer at a high rate if the hotel decides to reduce price it will lead to more unoccupied room thus giving more money to its customers [5]. This recent change has made the system to act speedily†¦show more content†¦Marriot is able to sustain competitive advantage because it possesses the following attribute: [5] Hard to duplicate: Marriott was able to identify its needs, for instance what is the best way to reward a customer? Successful organisation need to bridge the gap between their needs and the strategy to become successful. Unique: Marriott implemented the right approach to market its position. For example using the data generated from its reward program and surveys, it modified the experience for every user based on his/her hobbies, rewards points and other data source [17]. Adaptable to many situations: Thomas H. Davenport Harris, 2007 states that organizations should be able to integrate analytics capability, brand management, call centre across their internal and external operations. For example Marriot uses a formalized approach to manage sales, call centre, revenue management, marketing department and IT operations under one single unit known as Brand Sales and Consumer services [17] Better than many competitors: While Marriott is moving their core IT systems to the cloud is because they want to deal effectively with customers across the globe regardless of the time zones and the geographies [17].A typical example is Marriott moving its point –of –sale to the oracle cloud. Based on this success of moving its POS to cloud, they are planning on moving its property management system to an
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Gmos Being Used For Agricultural Production Essay
The population around the world is increasing constantly, therefore, GMOs which are safe to consume should be used in the production of agricultural products in order to keep up with demand. First, the population is growing on a day to day basis and is constantly demanding agricultural resources that use GMOs. Next, will be the history of GMOs and their use. Finally will be my own stance on the topic of GMOs being used for agricultural production. The seven-billionth member of humanity was welcomed in 2011. Experts predict by 2050 with the current birth rate humanity will reach towards 9 billion people. In order to feed all of these people the amount of food that we produce would have to nearly double. Aside from the issue of the amount of food there are issues like what kind of food is needed and where it is needed around the globe. For the most part the earth’s population has increased relatively slowly but steady pace. In the past 120 years, however, the amount of people th at need to be fed by our planet has increased tremendously from 1.5 billion to 7 billion. This dramatic increase may be because of agriculture itself. On a global scale food is nutritious and a lot easier to get than it was before. Birth rates are tending to go down but the life expectancy and life quality is increasing in this day in age. Even with this happening experts still expect the population to grow by more than 2 billion in the next 40 years. Another issue is the technological space betweenShow MoreRelatedEffects Of Pesticides On Agriculture And Agriculture1477 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction In the USA today, there is a large quantity of food whose prices are quite affordable to many. Agricultural advances in technology are to be acknowledged for the large amounts of food in the country. Progresses in the mechanization of farming for example have brought about improved agricultural output over the recent years (Marian, 2016). Production of food has increased, while overburdening of land has been reduced significantly. A major disadvantage of mechanization nonetheless hasRead MoreOverpopulation Is The Scarcity Of Food Supplies1408 Words  | 6 Pagesresources on Earth cannot support the total population, thus resulting in various problems that conflict with the world’s peace and harmony. One major problem that is caused by overpopulation is the scarcity of food supplies. There is not enough food being produced to feed the mouths of the endlessly increasing population. Therefore, many people all over the world starve and are malnourished, which is why many armed and international conflicts have occurred in the past years fighting over natural resourcesRead MoreFood Ethics: Should Environmentalists Oppose Genetically Modified Food?1247 Words  | 5 Pagesfoods or GMOs (genetically-modified organisms) are crop plants that are modified in a laboratory to enhance desired traits, to offer greater yields, to improve pest and disease resistance, to increase nutrition, or to boost tolerance to temperature extremes, drought, and salinity (The Hutchinson Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide). This controversial concept has been debated among environmental activists, public interest groups, and other scientists and government officials since GMOs were introducedRead MoreTechnology s Impact On Food1452 Words  | 6 Pagesgenetically modified organisms (GMOs) by introducing different scientists who explain what GMOs are and the concerns they have with the use of them. The film has received great reviews. Koons is recognized for the great fil m structure and for the information she shares with the audience. She appeals to pathos and logos to convince viewers of the danger GMOs have on our society. Although Koons presents different downsides of the use of GMOs, there are others who believe GMOs will be necessary in the futureRead MoreWhy Are Genetically Modified Foods?1359 Words  | 6 Pagesorganisms (GMOs) are a type of organism that has had its deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) changed to include a foreign gene that allows for some enhancement in the organism such as longer shelf-life, less need for water, or more nutrients available in the organism. Slight modifications to an organisms deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) allows for crops to make better use of resources, have a longer shelf life or even contain more nutrients. This technology could benefit the struggling agricultural communityRead MoreThe Gmo Trap : An Unexposed Secret1681 Words  | 7 PagesThe GMO Trap: An Unexposed Secret With new technology being utilized in the medical, agricultural, and economic aspects of daily living, numerous perilous concerns have risen against the proper usage and non-maleficence of these high-tech mechanics. For about a decade now, genetically modified foods have occupied the shelves of supermarkets and grocery stores across the nation. The ample amount of genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, have sparked many affairs regarding the impact they haveRead MoreDangers Of Gmos971 Words  | 4 PagesWhy GMOs are Causing More Harm Than Good Ever since the incorporation of GMO crops into the modern diet, they have been hotly debated as evidence continues to surface indicating they may not be the miracle crops many scientists hoped for. There is sufficient evidence to indicate that GMOs pose an unnecessary risk to human health and the environment. Detrimental impacts of GMOs are seen from increased pesticide use, cultivation of harmful traits, and a general exacerbation of the very problems theyRead MoreWhy Is Genetic Modification Is The Same Thing As Biotechnology1578 Words  | 7 Pagesdiet while also managing the affordability of food production and food purchase. Selective breeding is a way for scientists to select for certain genetics that increase plant health and yields. Whereas, biotechnology allows for an expansion of acreage to be utilized for production of food crops like corn, soybeans, wheat, etc. Its important to understand that genetic modification is the same thing as biotechnology. According to, GMOs (genetically modified organisms) are defined as â€Å"BiotechnologyRead MoreBenefits Of Genetically Modified Food1330 Words  | 6 Pagesgenetically modified organism (GMO) and think it sounds scary or bad. They decide to be against the techniques of GE before actually doing any kind of research. Before you can say you are for or against GE, you must understand what GMOs are, advantages and disadvantages of GE, and why people are protesting the use of this process so much. We eat food from supermarkets every day and we should all be concerned with whether our food is safe or not. I attended an Agricultural High School, where I learnedRead MoreDoes Gmos Have Detrimental Effect On World Health1412 Words  | 6 Pageshungry place. It s hungry for love, hungry for passion, hungry for money and hungry for work. But more than anything, it s hungry for food. People are starving around the globe while the rest of us live a comfortable existence. Several companies have used their scientific expertise to genetically modify seeds to increase crop yields in an attempt to feed the masses and end world hunger. Can they do it? In the short run, yes they can, but it is important to ask at what cost?†What are they not telling
Make-Up Free Essays
Make-up for pre-teens? Recently is seems that more and more girls under the age of eleven are starting to wear makeup, but why? They do not need to their still children. First, many feel that makeup causes damage to the skin, for both older women and younger women. It can be especially damaging to the skin of younger children. We will write a custom essay sample on Make-Up or any similar topic only for you Order Now Besides, do young children really need to wear makeup? Of course, we all get that awkward stage and you start not liking the way you look. Many doctors feel that this is just one of the growing pains of life. This may be very difficult for a pre-teen girl to accept. Another reason why some parents feel that young girls should not wear makeup is because they will not learn to appreciate their own natural beauty. Of course, most pre-teens do not even want to hear that . It does damage your skin badly; however, it is okay to wear make-up sometime for a special occasion. However, the majority of them did feel that it is important not to overdo it on the makeup. Just a little lip-gloss should be okay. Some of the pre-teens begin to get skin irritations from the makeup. The bottom line is that many parents feel that allowing young children to wear makeup can be hazardous to third skin, but if it is just for fun then it is ok. I am sure that we could all come up with dozens of reasons why young girls should not wear makeup, but it is the parent’s decision. We should not look down at the any parent who chooses to allow their child to wear makeup at a young age. Justine Stevens How to cite Make-Up, Papers
A Dolls House Reaction free essay sample
Reaction Paper on A Dolls House There has never been a shortage of literature with gender roles as a main topic, and A Dolls House by Henrik Ibsen is one of the premier works on the subject. Known for being startlingly ahead of its time, this play holds a firm spot in literary history and has been adapted in live theatre countless times over the past century. The dogma of what is proper and expected of both men and women for no other reason than their gender is questioned by Ibsen in a tongue-in-cheek sort of way, and his whimsical haracters cause viewers and readers to think about how relevant the topic of gender roles are today; perhaps even more so than when this play was first written. Ibsen provokes questions as to the roles of men and women in both a social and domestic setting and leads audiences to believe there is more to this complex subject than what lies on the surface of the everyday man and woman couple. The title of the play is the first clue as to the content. Dolls are toys meant for little girls and are mainly meant to be spruced up and look pretty, which fits perfectly with how Torvald elieves his little lark or his little squirrel should be. Torvald hides his belittlement with these terms of endearment and this creates a false image of love, Just like one would see as a scene inside a doll house. Nora believes he loves her unquestioningly and completely, and her actions are motivated by this belief in his love. She says to Dr. Rank at one point: miou know how devotedly, how inexpressibly deeply Torvald loves me; he would never for a moment hesitate to give his life for me. (House pg. 795). But in reality, Torvald cares more about his own image and the false respect he gets from others than he does about the overall wellbeing of his family and wife. To Torvald, the appearance of the dolls and their house is more important than anything else. The social role of women in cultures across the world has varied greatly. Some cultures have had women leading them for many years; other more male-dominated cultures cringe at the very idea of being subservient to a woman. Torvald cannot stand the idea of owing anything of importance to a woman, even his wn wife, the one person he should be able to show vulnerability to rely on as a companion. His male-driven ego puts the import of his image above even his love for his wife, which should be paramount to all things. Torvald exposes himself as a weak and cowardly man, bankrupt of moral fiber and substance, which Nora proves to be so much more than how she is first viewed. She rises above the adversities of the play and proves to be intelligent, resourceful, and able to make difficult decisions because she believes them to be right and good even though they cause her uffering. These two characters show a complete flip in role as Nora being the truly complex and human character while Torvald is shallow, conceited, and Just an abysmal excuse for a person. Ibsen shows desirable character traits are not specific to gender, and even when the most terrible conflicts arise there is no telling for certain who will snow their true and radiant colors, regardless ot gender. Another thing to consider is Just how much Nora sacrifices by the end of the play, while Torvald Jumps ship when he is first made aware of trouble. Nora is motivated by true ove to give up fancy clothes, to risk her name and reputation, and even precious time spent with her children and husband in order to save Torvalds life even though she never thinks the time will come when he should be made aware of her efforts and sacrifices. She silently takes the extra work in stride and even manages to trick her husband to buy into her false image of being a spendthrift, all so she can save his life. She even gives up her children, whom she loves to no end, because she truly believes their caretaker will be able to raise them into better people. Nora is willing to sacrifice her own happiness for the sake of her family throughout the entire play, and this shows incredible strength of character that any person, man or woman, should be Jealous of and strive to achieve. How many people would be able to deal with the kind of responsibility and burden she does without even the luxury of telling anyone about the situation for such a long time? By the end of the play, Ibsen has effectively flipped the typical role of man and woman even by todays cultures standards, though it is much more accepted now than it was in the past. Remembering the time frame in which this play was originally written speaks for itself in showing Just how ahead of its time this literary piece was. Nora walks out of her doll house and stakes her claim to independence as a woman and a human being, not with any malicious intent in her heart, but with the desire to pursue her own happiness. She considers these duties to herself Just as sacred as being a wife and a mother (House pg. 815). Her entire view of where her place in life is changes when she sees Torvald for how he is on the inside, and she begins to realize she is ot happy and never was. It comes time for her to take her life into her own hands and experience things without the tether of what a woman should be based on the declarations of a domineering male society. Ibsens genius seems like the normal views of todays standards, but the fact remains that he wrote this play back in 1879 when the roles of men and women were much more set in stone and had distinguished forms and etiquette. Women were seen as shallow, emotional, and incapable of dealing with serious issues while men were the true accomplishers and uilders of society.
Monday, May 4, 2020
Role of Asset Liability Management in Banking Industry
Question: Describe about the Role of Asset Liability Management in Banking Industry? Answer: Introduction In a country commercial bank plays vital role for the mobilization of deposits and disbursement of credit in different sectors of economy. The financial system of a bank should be efficient for maintaining the financial stability. Financial stability of a bank depends on the efficient management of all assets. It is also important to take proper strategies against the financial risks. Asset liability area is an important area for banking sector especially for those banks that provides service globally. According to different reports, banking industry is facing challenges for maintaining financial stability especially for those banks that provide service internationally. The purpose of this research is to understand the role of asset liability management in banking institutions. It is also important to identify the factors which can increase the risk of the banking sectors. Research Aim The aim of the research is to identify the role and function of asset liability management in the banking institutions. This research proposal is basically about the discussion of the importance of theoretical and practical aspects of asset liability management in commercial banking sector. It will also help to identify the role of asset liability management in reducing the risk of the management in banking industry (Coleman, 2012). Research Questions For this research proposal, researcher has selected certain questions and the entire research is based on those questions. The research questions related to this research are as follows: What is the role and importance of asset liability management in banking industry? How asset liability management can reduce the risk associated with functional activities of banking industry? What are the possible ways for managing the assets of banking industry? How the asset liability management can reduce the risk associated with functional activities of banking industry Literature Review [understanding of the background] As per the different researcher has been mentioned all are the required thoughts about the theoretical and practical aspects about the asset management activities for managing liabilities in the commercial banking sector. Asset Liability Management- Concept According to Ratnovski (2013), asset liability management is considered as comprehensive and dynamic model for determining, monitoring and managing of market risk of financial institutions. It provides such structure of balance sheet for the financial institutions through which they can increase the net earnings from interest considering the overall risk-preference (Ambira and Kemoni, 2011). This techniques also manage the different types of functions and risks such as liquidity risk, market risk, trading risk, funding and capital planning and also profit planning and growth projections (Hull, 2012). As per the opinion of Samad (2012), asset liability management can be defined as the process through which banking organizations can get the options for allowing alternative interest rate and liquidity scenarios. As it is said by Bryan (2013) that banking organizations should focus on asset liability management for overcoming the different kinds of financial risks. It is also said that this concept is not only provide the formalization of understanding, but it also provide the way for quantifying and managing the risk. On the other side, Arewa, Owoputi and Torbira (2013) opine that asset liability approach can be considered as the initial stage of long-term strategic planning procedure. So, this concept can be referred to as the planning function for financial institutions. In better way it can be said that it deals with the management of various items of balance sheet and it also help in planning and also directing and controlling of different levels due to changing in assets, liabilities and capital if financial institutions. Plan to carry out the research Research Stages Defining of research problem At the first, researcher is required to find out and defining the problem or situation on which the study will be done. In this step, researcher is going to understand the problem clearly and rephrasing the same in proper way. Review of literature After the defining of research problem, the researcher will include a brief description of past research and conceptual framework related with the current research work. Formulation of research model In the third step, researcher would formulate the different models to conduct the research. The various financial tools and theories are to be considered to role of asset liability management. Preparing of research design The step of research design contains the collection of relevant evidence with less expenditure of effort and time and money. Data Collection After the preparation of research design, researcher is going to collect the data from the different sources. Data Analysis In this step, researcher will analyze the collected and represent the results through tabulation, chart, graph, etc. Interpretation of research outcomes The last of the research includes the interpretation and preparation of report according to the outcomes of the research. Research Outline/Plan Task Name Duration Start Finish Predecessors Research proposal on Banking industry 38 days Mon 12/14/15 Sun 1/24/16 Selection of Topic of the research 1 day Mon 12/14/15 Mon 12/14/15 Data gathering for primary stage to select the research aim 7 days Tue 12/15/15 Tue 12/22/15 Finding sources of data 4 days Tue 12/15/15 Fri 12/18/15 2 Strengthening initial proposal 3 days Sun 12/20/15 Tue 12/22/15 4 literature review 12 days Tue 12/22/15 Mon 1/4/16 conducting research on the available journals 3 days Tue 12/22/15 Fri 12/25/15 5 Setting the appropriate theories and models for discussing 3 days Fri 12/25/15 Mon 12/28/15 7 Preparing different views in literature 3 days Tue 12/29/15 Thu 12/31/15 8 Summarizing the reviews 3 days Fri 1/1/16 Mon 1/4/16 9 Preparation of research aims 5 days Mon 1/4/16 Sun 1/10/16 Identifying the contemporary problems associated with the customer satisfaction 2 days Mon 1/4/16 Wed 1/6/16 10 Preparing the research questions 1 day Wed 1/6/16 Thu 1/7/16 12 Set the objectives of conducting the research 2 days Thu 1/7/16 Sun 1/10/16 13 Research methodologies 6 days Sun 1/10/16 Fri 1/15/16 Describing the methodologies to be applied in this research 1 day Sun 1/10/16 Sun 1/10/16 14 Tools and techniques of the research selected 2 days Mon 1/11/16 Tue 1/12/16 16 procedure of research is prepared 1 day Wed 1/13/16 Wed 1/13/16 17 Selection of data collection method 1 day Thu 1/14/16 Thu 1/14/16 18 Selection of analysis method 1 day Fri 1/15/16 Fri 1/15/16 19 Secondary data collection method 3 days Sun 1/17/16 Tue 1/19/16 Conducting information from secondary sources 2 days Sun 1/17/16 Mon 1/18/16 20 tentative outcome of the research analyzed 1 day Mon 1/18/16 Tue 1/19/16 22 Ethical consideration 4 days Tue 1/19/16 Sun 1/24/16 23 Table 1: Outline of the research Figure: Gantt chart Research Methodology and Choice of Sources Research Approach The researcher is going to apply certain tools and techniques for conducting the current research study. The different statistical techniques and models will be applied by the researcher on basis of the requirement. The research methodology refers to the plans to examining the factors related with the problematic situation (Denicolo and Becker, 2012). The researcher needs to collect the data from different sources. Before conducting the research work, the preparing of work structure is essential. Researcher will try to focus on different ideas and information collected from different sources. As per the different researcher for the research process of finding out the different banking aspects which is based on the different policies and theories related to the research activities of the banking approaches of the organization. In this case, research approach is deductive approach because researcher does not focus on the specific model or theory (Denscombe, 2012). The focus is to apply different theories and models for identifying the role of asset liability management in banking industry. The approach of the study will be to find out the current position of managing the asset-liability in banks contrasting with the current systems and regulations. Thereby, the deductive approach will be applied in this study where we may deduce the past reviews related to asset-liability management. Research Design In this research process the ever achievement event is to understand the different strategies of the financial aspects of the commercial banking. This research work is based on the descriptive research designing process to analyze and describe the overall research process of the commercial banking system (Hieronymi and Stephanou, 2013). The overall research is on the different aspects of managerial theories to manage the commercial banking system. The entire process of research will be over at the descriptive research design of the company. The overall target of research work is about to acquire the overall knowledge related to the different practical and theoretical aspects of the techniques of the commercial banking. The research process fully depends upon the descriptive research design to understand the different diversification of acquiring knowledge about the project. Research method The method of the research is divided into two parts primary and secondary research. Primary research is useful in delivering the analysis using the raw information from the market. However, the secondary information provides the as is situation of the market or regarding any topic. In this context, the study will follow the secondary research as the data associated with this research will be secondary. In addition to this, the secondary method will allow the researcher to conduct the study analyzing the historical data to understand the trend of the ALM in the banks. The performance of the banks in managing the asset and liabilities in a long-run can be understood by analyzing the historical data only. Thereby, it is justified to use the secondary research in this study. Data Sources and Data Collection Methods Secondary data will be collected for different sources such as internet, books, journals and articles. Financial information of certain banks will be collected from the website of the banks. This research is mainly depends on financial aspect of the companies how the banking organizations manages their assets and liabilities. So, financial information is more important for the research. The research will follow the primary research too as it may find some valuable information of managing the asset-liabilities in the banks. Sample Size There are sample sizes selected for the research process with the 5 commercial banking system operators. The sample size is justified as the majority of the assets and liability distribution in the banks can be understood by following their style of ALM. Research Ethics The purpose of this is not for any commercial use. Limitations Research time scheduled and money for the different sources of the research is required which is the one of most limited constraint of this research process. Conclusion The proposal on the asset liability management in the bank may be found to be important as it holds great importance in delivering better performance for the banking institutions. Further, the study will find the requirements of asset-liability management in the banking institutions as well as the possible way to build up the managing process in the banks. In addition to this, the study will grow with the risk reduction in banking business through managing the asset and liability in single line. References Coleman, T. (2012).Quantitative risk management. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley Sons, Inc. Denicolo, P. and Becker, L. (2012).Developing research proposals. Los Angeles: Sage. Denscombe, M. (2012).Research proposals. Maidenhead: Open University Press. Hieronymi, O. and Stephanou, C. (2013).International debt. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Hull, J. (2012).Risk management and financial institutions + website. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley Sons, Inc. Liamputtong, P. (2012).Qualitative research methods. Silverman, D. (2013).Doing qualitative research. Ambira, C. and Kemoni, H. (2011). Records management and risk management at Kenya Commercial Bank Limited, Nairobi.S Afr j inf manag, 13(1). Arewa, A., Owoputi, J. and Torbira, L. (2013). Financial Statement Management, Liability Reduction and Asset Accumulation: An Application of Goal Programming Model to a Nigerian Bank.International Journal of Financial Research, 4(4). Bryan, S. (2013). Evaluation of Risk and Bank Management.Journal of Entrepreneurship Organization Management, 02(01). Ratnovski, L. (2013). Liquidity and Transparency in Bank Risk Management.IMF Working Papers, 13(16), p.1. Samad, A. (2012). Credit Risk Determinants of Bank Failure: Evidence from US Bank Failure.IBR, 5(9).
Sunday, March 29, 2020
ACA Ethical Standards free essay sample
The primary use of assessment tools is to aid educational, career and clinical counselors in determining personal, emotional, social traits and behaviors of their clients. For clinical counselors, these tools are supposed to help diagnose and evaluate psychological ailments so that proper treatment will be given by qualified practitioners (Hood Johnson, n.d.). About 20% of adult females suffer from chronic depression (Scott, 2008). This psychological condition is usually diagnosed through personality inventory assessment tools. Symptoms of this problem are recurring; sometimes patients appear and feel normal which could possibly yield conflicting results if the assessment instrument selected is not appropriate and performed by unqualified practitioner. Considering the sensitivity and criticality of this problem, it is important that only qualified, highly trained counselors select, perform, evaluate and interpret the appropriate assessment instruments particularly when dealing with female adult patients suffering from chronic depression (Scott, 2008). Thus the American Counseling Association and the United States government issued safety nets to assure ethical practices in the evaluation, assessment and interpretation of psychological assessment instruments to protect individuals subjected to these tests and assure that the use will promote the people’s well-being instead of creating more problems. We will write a custom essay sample on ACA Ethical Standards or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The ACA Ethical Standards has many significant implications on the assessment of individuals particularly on our subject clients, adult females suffering from chronic depression. It sets rules on the â€Å"competence to use and interpret assessment instruments†(ACA Ethical Standards Casebook, 2006, p. 104). Only those who have the appropriate training and qualifications are allowed to perform, evaluate and interpret results of assessment tools. Different assessment tools require different expertise. The Association issues accreditation certificates or licenses for every assessment instrument used. Along with this permission is the big responsibility laid on the counselor. Because like health and medical practitioners, people’s lives are at stake and misuse and malpractices may be disastrous. Another major rule is â€Å"informed consent in assessment†(ACA Ethical Standards Casebook, 2006, p. 105). How the counselor explains and makes the client consents and understands the procedures and results of the tests is very critical. It is important to consider the value of human rights, the right of every person to know what is being done to her. Those with clinical concerns like our subject clients with chronic depression need utmost care because improper ways and choice of words may aggravate the health condition of the patients. â€Å"Diagnosis of Mental Disorders†(ACA Ethical Standards Casebook, 2006, p. 106) is another important aspect that should be considered. It is not a simple black-and-white, reveal- what-is-written situation. In cases of mental disorders and other clinical cases, particularly in our subject patients, counselors do not immediately divulge results to clients. They should have the competence to assess the condition of the patient whether these patients will be able to handle knowing their true condition. It is therefore important that the counselor weigh the value of informing and method of informing. This decision is a big responsibility to the counselor. It is also important to consider multi-cultural diversity in the selection and implementation of tests. The ethical standards stress caution on â€Å"assessment techniques that were normed on population other than that of the client†(ACA Ethical Standards Casebook, 2006, p. 109). Counselors should be concerned on social and cultural exposures of their clients, and consider differences in age, gender, ethnic groups, religion and even economic status. The logic of the ACA Ethical Standards is valuing the client as a human being and the client as a unique individual. Therefore anybody tasked to administer psychological assessment instruments bears the heavy responsibility to protect the life as well as the rights of every individual subjected to these tests. Competency and professionalism of the counselor are crucial in the effectiveness of any psychological assessment instrument. References ACA Ethical Standards Casebook. (2006). American Counseling Association. Library of Congress. Herlihy, Barbara, Corey, Gerald. 6th Edition. Hood, Albert Richard Johnson, (n.d.). â€Å"Personality Inventories†Assessment in Counseling 4th Edition. American Counseling Association. Chapter 11. Scott, Glenn. (2008). â€Å"Symptoms of Chronic Depression†Amazines. Retrieved 14 January 2009 from
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Mobile Phone Expository Essay Example
Mobile Phone Expository Essay Example Mobile Phone Expository Essay Mobile Phone Expository Essay Essay Topic: Expository Mobile Phone – Friend or Foe? Mobile phones are a mixed blessing for many of us. While some of us may miss the days of going out in public without hearing phones ringing all around us, most people do not miss being stranded on the side of the road with no way to call for help. The allure of having a convenient way to communicate has resulted in an increase in mobile phone usage over the years. Mobile phones have given rise to new rules of etiquette, and even new laws that regulate their use. Concerns about public safety and mobile phones are often in the news, making some people wonder if mobile phones are a good idea. Should you buy a mobile phone, or continue to use one? One advantage of having a mobile phone is free long distance. One of the big reasons for the rise in mobile phone usage is that you can call anywhere in the country for the same price that you can call your next-door neighbour. This lack of long distance charges has led to many people getting mobile phones who ordinarily may not have been interested. Also, many people now use their mobile phones exclusively, after cancelling their home phone service. Having one less bill to pay is definitely a positive. However, mobile phone bills, let alone the cost of the phone itself, are very expensive. If you get a very basic mobile phone plan with only a few minutes allocated for calling time, you will not pay very much every month. However, if you are like most people, you may choose a plan with several hundred or even thousand minutes and will include extras, such as text messaging. These plans can run well more than 100 dollars per month, and may come with a one- or two-year contract, limiting your choices if a cheaper plan becomes available. Woe to those who go over their allotted minutes. Mobile phone bills can easily become 1,000 dollar nightmare. Having said this, mobile phones have other advantages too. With the popularity of mobile phones growing faster than ever, it is a lot easier to keep in contact with friends and family. Never before has it been easier to call your husband or wife on the way home from work and ask to pick up a litre of milk on the way home. Parents everywhere are enjoying the ability to call their child at midnight and find out why he or she isnt home yet. Worried people everywhere are able to gain a degree of reassurance because of the mobile phone. Some people are enjoying the GPS capabilities that some phones have, enabling them to track the location of their friends and family as they go about their daily lives. This makes it easier for people to know exactly where they are and who theyre with. As helpful as the mobile phone is to helping us to keep track of others, this unfortunately means that others can constantly keep track of us. A girlfriend might call her partner incessantly to check up on him. If limits are not quickly set, this behaviour can become a serious case of harassment. The GPS capability of mobile phones is also something that can be abused. It opens the door for controlling individuals to give full rein to their stalker tendencies. Sometimes its a good thing for people not to know exactly where you are at every moment. As irritating as this may be, mobile phones can be useful in other ways. Mobile phones can provide a degree of safety that previous generations only dreamed of. These days, you can go anywhere in the world with a mobile phone, and with the proper service, be able to notify someone if you are in trouble, even if you are on top of a mountain in Nepal. Most people arent mountain climbers, but cars do break down and when they do, its nice to have a mobile phone to call the mechanic. Mobile phones also come in handy when you are meeting someone for the first time. If you feel threatened in any way, you have an emergency number right there in your hand. The GPS capability that some mobile phones possess also has enabled trackers to find people who have become lost. However, in order for this service to be active, the application must be activated. Mobile phones can help us in many different ways, but they do also contain serious safety concerns. People like to carry their mobile phones with them in the car in case of emergency, but they also like to have them in case they get a call they dont want to miss. Many accidents have been caused by people talking on mobile phones while driving. So many, in fact, that legislation has been passed prohibiting conversation on mobile phones while driving in Australia. Another safety concern is that mobile phones could increase the risk of brain tumours or other diseases. Studies have shown that radiation given off by mobile phones can damage cells, leaving cells susceptible to cancers and tumours. While mobile phones can be annoying, expensive and sometimes hazardous, they can also be very helpful, whether it be helping us to communicate with family and friends, to help us feel safe or immediately know the whereabouts of a loved one. Mobile phones are seen as a must have accessory to some, while others believe they are completely unnecessary. Whatever the case, mobile phones have their pros and cons. It’s up to you to decide who outweighs who. By Jeff Burr
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Knowledge management approach Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Knowledge management approach - Essay Example Knowledge management implies any activity regarding the capture and the diffusion of knowledge within the organization. A key component of KM is to provide access to stored knowledge components in order to improve decision-making and facilitate knowledge acquisition by the user. The present essay is an attempt to introduce this innovative capital of modern organisations in a simple and lucid style. In the essay, the writer first, tries to distinguish the related concepts in the area of knowledge such as data, information etc, which are often misunderstood (used interchangeably with) as knowledge. In addition, an attempt is made to introduce the two approaches to knowledge management that capture and utilize knowledge. The essay prepared to examine the different of these two approaches. Specifically, it attempts to narrate the definition of these approaches and portrays both advantages and disadvantages of these two approaches. Finally, rather most importantly the report demonstrates how to apply theoretical concepts of knowledge management to NASA's JPL case study. One of the essentials of an effective knowledge management system is that the system must be able to distinguish knowledge from data and information so that information overload can be reduced/eliminated and its efficiency can be improved. An efficient knowledge management system accepts only those data that are relevant, timely, reliable and accurate. In the words of Liew (2002) data means the collection of facts or events and it is comprised of the basic, unrefined and unfiltered information, which are mostly useless. But, information is more refined data that is useful and meaningful for an analysis and decision making. In contrast, knowledge resides in the human brain and it happens when human experience is applied to data and information, therefore, knowledge is internalized which absorbed and understood by the human mind. In the modern business context, knowledge management can have a lot to perform to attain a competitive edge and thereby create value to the organisation. Knowledge management There are many interpretations as to what exactly knowledge management is all about. The definition put forward by Quintas P., Lefrere P. and Jones is worth notable in this context. They define knowledge management as "a continuously process of managing knowledge in order to ensure that knowledge is available when and where needed and can be acquired both from external sources and internal sources" (Quintas et al, 1997). It is worthwhile here to mention the definition developed by NASA for knowledge management. NASA defines "knowledge management as getting the right information to the right people at the right time and helping people create knowledge and share and act upon information in ways that will measurably improve the performance of an organization and its partners" (NASA, 2009). The procedures by which the objectives of KM can be accomplished include the following: As far as possible, everyone connected with knowledge management system should disclose what he/she knows and thereby facilitates knowledge sharing and its reuse. This will allow others to know when and where knowledge is available. Knowledge is made available at the time of decision making and it is the duty of the concerned personnel in an organisation that knowledge is
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Planning - Essay Example It is simply identifying the objectives of a company and finding the best ways of how to achieve them. Strategic planning starts from the desired end and its steps go backwards to get to the current status. On the other hand, long term planning begins with the current status and moves forward to meet the desired future needs. According to Adekola et al 2007, strategic planning looks at the big picture, and is flexible in determining its means as compared to other types of planning. At Michal Jones & Company strategic planning has been practiced in various ways. These ways include: pure planning and financial planning. Planning determines where an organization will be in the future, how it will get there, and how the organization will establish itself if it got there or not. Planning serves different functions in Michal Jones & Company. It has provided a clear focus for the organization, therefore, producing effectiveness and efficiency (Burtonshaw-Gunn et al 2009). Planning has also been the reason why the productivity of the organization has increased significantly due to increased effectiveness and efficiency. Planning has also been used in the solving of major problems in the organization. This is because a predetermined problem is solved before its occurrence due to effective and strategic planning. Moreover, at Michal Jones, planning has enabled the creation of a base for the company’s hence all deviations have been corrected to avoid major blows occurring in the organization. For effective planning to be established, the management at Michal Jones & Company has identified the purpose, which happens to be the key objective of the company. Lusthaus et al 1999 argues that, through the use of the organization’s mission statement elaboration has been made to the public and the potential buyers as a whole on what Michal Jones & Company seeks to achieve. The situation has been analyzed and is now an already existing program. Its defects are amended and the viable changes made. Alternatives present at Michal Jones & Company have been identified leading to a variety of ideas, activities, and solutions (Michael Jones & Company 2010). Creativity reigns in an effort to enhance brainstorming and members’ involvement in the formulation of the plan. The resources have been reviewed, and they have been listed down with regard to available time, money, human and physical resources (Paladino 2010). This ensures that the plan formulated conforms to the ability of Michal Jones & Company and not based on mere assumptions. Some of the impediments that have been witnessed at Michal Jones & Company with regard to effective planning are that planning leads to rigidity. This is because the set conditions may change, and this may contrast prevailing conditions at that particular time. When such a point comes by, flexibility is encouraged in an effort to negate the rigidity. Moreover, strategic planning is not easily facilitated in dynamic environments. Strategic planning also entails finances. No company or organization can be able to plan about the future without the knowledge of where to get the finances from (Reading 2004). In essence, finances go hand in hand with the planning strategy. At Michal Jones & Company, finances were solicited from the Banks as loan payable back in interest rates within a period of one year. Financial statements are very important in every
Monday, January 27, 2020
Literature Review of US Foreign Policy
Literature Review of US Foreign Policy Background America’s 1930s foreign policy was based on the realist school of thought. It emphasised international trade in order to achieve economic rejuvenation, whilst its security strategy demonstrated the practical restraints of Hans Morgenthau’s classical doctrine of realism through withdrawing its military’s international presence. Post-WW2 America’s role within the world hierarchy altered significantly as a direct result of internal structural and technological developments that led it to being a world superpower. American foreign policy encompassed both realism and liberal internationalism in its attempt to defeat communism. The 1970s signified a dramatic change in the foreign policy decision-making process; no longer were Presidents able to operate imperialistically making policy decisions without consulting Congress. Despite being internationally recognised as the victor of the Cold War, America lost its international footing somewhat. Political analyst Kenneth Waltz supports this assertion and argues in the article ‘Is Anybody Still a Realist?’ that foreign policy in a pre-9/11though post-Cold War era, aside from the widely accepted notion that States â€Å"at a minimum, seek their own preservation,†(Waltz, Kenneth. 1999: P.14), realism no longer played a leading role in foreign policy and national security decision-making. Roger Burbach and Jim Tarbell argue that US foreign policy and National Security Strategy since 9/11 has mirrored that of former powers on a colonisation mission. A key example used to demonstrate this was Bush’s desire to install a National Missile Defence (NMD) system in Europe. They ascertain that it was part of the regimes neoconservative, imperialistic agenda to impress upon the world American exceptionalism through attempting to colonise the globe by having a military capability world-wide under the notion of ‘national security.’ (Burbach, Roger Tarbell, Jim. 2004). The US government opposes such a claim maintaining that its actions are part of an assertive-realist security strategy seen previously within the Cold War era which confronts threats to America. They argue that like America’s proactive response to the attack on Pearl Harbour, the last time America had suffered such devastation on US soil, that 9/11 warranted a similarly aggressive response. Benjamin Frankel supports this and argues in ‘Realism: Restatements and Renewal,’ that it is neo-realism, not neo-conservatism which recognises â€Å"the ultimate concern of states is not for power but for security†¦states seek maximum security not maximum power.†(Waltz, Kenneth. 1988. in Frankel, Benjamin.1996: P.91). President Roosevelt’s description of the attack on Pearl Harbour as a â€Å"date which will live in infamy,†(Roosevelt, Franklin D.A Date which will live in infamy: FDR ask for a Declaration of War), have been echoed since 9/11. Bush proclaimed the â€Å"world has changed†(Cramer,Jane K. Thrall, A. Trevor. 2012: P.30) as a direct result of 9/11 and therefore had to adapt his leadership style and policies accordingly. Literature Review This dissertation has used many sources to gain valuable information such as facts, figures, diagrams and the opinion and analysis of distinguished politicians, historians and authors. US foreign policy is a broad and complex subject which can be approached from multiple angles. Due to the restrictive word limit, this thesis has confined itself within certain boundaries which specify what direction this thesis is going to approach the title. Through critically analysing these sources, it has been possible to develop a deeper understanding of the topics examined and have helped greatly in contextualising the arguments found within the background and contemporary research. This has played a crucial role in the final conclusion reached. These boundaries are that the time scale used will be between the 1930s to the end of the George W Bush presidency. This time frame has been selected because of the opposing military policies that were used and the economic, social and international implications that such directions were to have; one being isolationist and the other being expansive. Chapters two and three have also been divided in a two-part manner. Chapter two addresses the mentality behind the decision-making process as well as the actions taken in the years preceding Bush’s presidency. Chapter three examines the mentality and actions taken during Bush’s reign. These boundaries have been drawn up in such a wa y that allows for analysis of events in a chronological order. Additionally, the ‘mentality’ has been chosen because it allows for the thesis to address multiple arguments and through thorough analysis determine if the mentality behind the decision-process has been altered and if so, has this affected the actions taken. These boundaries provide a clear sense of structure which is augmented with the aid of the many sources examined. There are a select few sources which will now be addressed due to their crucial role in initiating key arguments and theories throughout the thesis. In his article ‘The Stability of a Unipolar World,’ William Wohlforth provides an important analysis regarding the impact of the structural and technological advancements experienced in the US. Wohlforth argues that it is’ because of â€Å"a decades-old policy of harnessing technology to the generation of military power†¦The US combination of quantitative and qualitative material advantages is unprecedented, and it translates into a unique geopolitical position.†(Wohlforth, William C. 1999: P.17-18). This thesis supports this assertion and uses it as a key argument throughout to provide explanation behind America’s actions and the mentality with which such actions were conducted with. This dissertation comprises a variety of theoretical debates, all attempting to provide clarity and reasoning behind America’s actions both pre and post 9/11. Richard Rose’s ‘The Postmodern President: The White House Meets the World’ is used to provide support and elaborate on this thesis’ suggestion that after 1991 the â€Å"United States has lost its former position of dominance in the international system.†(Rose, Richard.1988:P.237). This was primarily because it could no longer justify having an expansive foreign and security policy to develop its sphere of influence through either hard or soft means as there was no longer an apparent enemy. Craig Snyder provides support for this assertion and further adds a theoretical argument in his book ‘Contemporary Security and Strategy’ that the influence of realism endured a significant decline during this period of relative peace in its use in international relations as well as national foreign policies. (Snyder, Craig A. 1999: P.65). No thesis which incorporates political theories and realism in particular, would be academically justifiable without the thoughts of world-wide acclaimed political analysts Kenneth Waltz and Hans Morgenthau being examined. Morgenthau’s work has been used when analysing the traits of classical realism to see how, if at all they relate to Bush’s actions. This thesis has paid particular attention to the work of Waltz, the founder of the concept of neo-realism, to argue that as opposed to the realist based expansive foreign policy agenda that existed during the Cold War era, States have since pursued neo-realist policies in which they aim to achieve: a sense of continuity in long-term goals, policies which are compatible with the ever-globalising international arena, clear objectives with simple directions to achieve them whilst maintaining a certain degree of flexibility to allow for adaptation to the fluid nature of the international stage. (Waltz, Kenneth.1999). Post-9/11, US foreign policy has often been interpreted as some of the most controversial around the globe. This is because they have been perceived as part of America’s apparent neoconservative agenda devoted to establishing an Imperial America. Roger Burbach and Jim Tarbell are two academics who support such a notion and argue in their ‘Imperial Overstretch: George W Bush the Hubris of Empire’ that the impact of 9/11 provided Bush’s regime with the fuel to pursue his extreme neo-conservative goal of creating a US Empire. The critical and negative wording of the title is such that even without reading any of the actual book, Bush is already portrayed as a leader who has been corrupted by the desire to create an empire. Therefore, in order to maintain academic legitimacy, this thesis recognised that Burbach and Tarbell are obviously biased against the Bush administration. This is not to say that their work should be dismissed, because it shouldn’t, but rather caution should be – and has been – applied when selecting what information to use from their book in this dissertation. Particular attention has been given to George C. Herring’s ‘From Colony to Superpower: US Foreign Relations since 1776.’ This is because this book provides a great insight into US foreign policy history and does so whilst exhibiting thorough analysis of events throughout this time. It has helped this writer significantly in developing a deeper understanding of events that have occurred and placing them in the relevant context. Articles, quotes, resolutions and speeches by Bush’s administration and even himself are all examined in this thesis. This is because they provide raw clarity and reasoning behind the decisions made post 9/11.As president of the world super-power, the American people looked to Bush to act and respond to this terrorist assault. In an address to the nation on 9/11th he stated that America â€Å"will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbour them.†(Bush, George W. quoted in Kean, Thomas H. 2004. P.326. The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States.). Such a statement sets the rigid and uncompromising tone with which Bush was to significantly adjust his foreign and security policies to deal with the situation. Understanding the mentality behind Bush’s decisions is of vital importance to this thesis because if the mentality is proven to have affected the manner in which foreign policy was decided a nd implemented, and if this is different to the various American administrations, then this will playing a determining role in answering the dissertation question. It is for this reason that Bush and his teams’ speeches, articles and resolutions are analysed in great depth throughout this thesis.
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