Sunday, June 21, 2020
Divorce and Separation Essay - 1375 Words
Divorce and Separation (Other (Not Listed) Sample) Content: Divorce and SeparationStudentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s NameInstitutionDivorce and SeparationFrank, H. P. D. (January 01, 2008). The Influence of Divorce on the Relationship Between Adult Parent-Child and Adult Sibling Relationships.ÂJournal of Divorce Remarriage,Â48,Â21-32. In the article, Frank emphasis on the family unit interconnections in post-divorce family. The article was a follow up investigation of a previous study striving to explore the interconnection between parent and child relationships with relatively little focus on the child-sibling relations. The study examined approximately 206 college students from both intact and divorced families. The investigation reflected in the article was reliable although it is essential to understand that the subjects examined were student seeking university health clinic support. As a consequence, a person might argue that the sample represents a more dysfunctional family rather than a typical student. The author reveal s that the relationship between siblings was consistent with that of the parent of the same sex. Furthermore, Frank found that mothersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ aggression not only affected their relationship, but also supported the relationship with the father. The author support all the arguments statement throughout the article thus enhance the reliability of the article. The article provides a family viewpoint in a post-divorce situation revealing how the parents-child relationship affects the unity of the entire family. The article is informative because it provides supporting evidences throughout the paper. Furthermore, the article also embodies all essential qualities of a scholarly article.Huurre, T., Junkkari, H., Aro, H. (January 01, 2006). Long-term psychosocial effects of parental divorce: a follow-up study from adolescence to adulthood.ÂEuropean Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience,Â256,Â4, 256-63. In this article, the authors focused on understanding how the children are affected by divorce in a family. The authors strived to identify the long term outcome of divorce on the psychological well-being, health behavior, life situation and social networks and support on the children. Furthermore, the research focused on revealing the correlation between divorce and interpersonal problem and life events among the adolescent children, and whether such outcomes are gender related. In the investigation, the authors incorporated 317 subjects from divorced families who were compared to 1069 subjects derived from intact families. The article reliability is unquestionable since the authors have a PhDs backgrounds and work in alcohol and mental research institutes. Furthermore, the authors have continuously compared their study with previous work conducted in the field, thus revealing a significance coherence with previous research studies. The article further shows that divorce it is not a single event, but rather a multi-staged event that gradua lly transform family relationships. The article conquers with other many research findings conducted by renowned authors such as Frank, Wolchik, and Tein among others. The article is very useful to the family counselors since it provides information that correlates with their area of specialization. The article is educative and informative.Top of FormPortnoy, S. M. (January 01, 2007). The Psychology of Divorce: A Lawyer's Primer, Part 2: The Effects of Divorce on Children.ÂAmerican Journal of Family Law,Â21,Â4, 126-134. In the article, Portnoy explore the influence of divorce on the welfare of the children. It also explores the effects of violence between parents on the childrenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s mental development. The article reveals that high levels of conflict in marriage that leads to divorce affects the both parental relationship with the children and their psychological well-being. According to the Author, it is not the actual divorce event that result to psychologica l problems to the children but rather the process of adjustment. This implies that divorce should be viewed as a multi-stage process with consequences that emerges gradually. The author explores the issue through an in-depth analysis of all parts that forms the divorce puzzle. The article is very useful because it answers the underlying question how the divorce influences or affects one's psychological well-being. It is apparent that the children of the divorced expresses such reactions that spawn from both parental conflict and divorce. The article set a pace that is congruent with other existing works the field of family studies, works of scholars such as Lewis and Wallerstein, who both agree that parent-child relationship and the overall wellbeing of the children are significantly influenced by the levels of the parental conflicts and ultimate divorce.Sandler, I., Miles, J., Cookston, J., Braver, S. (April 01, 2008). Effects of Father and Mother Parenting on Children's Mental H ealth in High- And Low-Conflict Divorces.ÂFamily Court Review,Â46,Â2, 282-296. This article focuses on analyzing and studying the externalizing and internalizing problems facing the children in the post-divorces circumstances. The study was a part of an intervention project for the fathers undergone the divorcing process where the primary data was corrected from approximately 182 families. The investigation stress on a number of factors that exert stress on the children and comprises of parental conflict, quality of parenting and parent-child relations. The author argues that when both mother and father-child relationship are positive and supportive the children become protected from both externalizing and internalizing problems. Furthermore, such support ensures that when one parental relationship is low, the other still serves as a buffer thus significantly reduces the possibility such problems on the children. Furthermore, the author notes that children without warm parental relationship experience high internalizing problems during marital violence. The article is very reliable because both author hold vast experiences and possess doctoral level of education. Furthermore, arguments in the article are well articulated throughout the paper. Furthermore, the authorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s ideas on the father-child relationship significantly correlates with the work of other scholars thus making a significant contribution in the field of family studies. The scholarly article acts as a baseline for further research in the field.Schindler, H. S., Coley, R. L. (January 01, 2012). Predicting marital separation: do parent-child relationships matter?.ÂJournal of Family Psychology: Jfp: Journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (division 43), 26,Â...
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